Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Planets Gustav Holsts Suite Essay Example For Students

The Planets Gustav Holsts Suite Essay After choosing what bit of music to expound on it was extremely hard to choose, since before taking this class the main old style performer I knew was Beethoven. Be that as it may, I ran over the planets. So I chose to give I attempt. It just took a play button, which moved me into a universe of secret. As the orchestra began with defaces I felt as if I was going in a space boat of those that went ahead the star wars adventure. It as the tune advanced it felt just as there was a fight in space. Inclining to this while in obscurity made it simpler for me to perceive what was truly occurring. We will compose a custom exposition on The Planets Gustav Holsts Suite explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now I can see shots fly by me consistently nearer, until this slug hit me and the boat pieces scatter into space as the tune did as well. There is a snapshot of quietness when am stir in to the universe of master of the rings. I see my self at the mythical people garden remaining in the manors overhang taking a gander at the roses. As the piece props up I see my dark mists covering the skyline, with obscurity and secret upon. For reasons unknown there is a feeling of harmony despite the fact that at certain parts it feels as thought there is a war going to begin. This caused me to feel like this was countering, similar to they say after the tempest the sun will come out. Next was mercury a perilous. t first it felt as thought I was fleeing from a person or thing. In any case, it doesn’t feel like I’m fleeing from something perilous. As the piece propped up I began to perceive any reason why I was running, I was running like Bambi in the Disney film. I can see fowls and butterflies, flying on my head around and around. I began to run with the fowls quicker and quicker creation my war over a major green field. I don’t know why this picture goes to my heard however as continue listening a can see a ton of creatures running as well. They are hopping over the green field. Jupiter begins and with it I begin to recollect my grandmother back home. I can see her rolling in from a long excursion. I can see her coming nearer to me carrying only a grin to my face. As viola and baritones show up, I can envision our rejoin. This piece just brings picture of upbeat completion, similar to those of Disney motion pictures. I can see individuals tossing confetti to the sky, celebrating and separating. This joy is out of nowhere, cleaned away, in light of the fact that with the beginning of Saturn. I hear something moving toward me gradually and gradually. It's anything but a terrifying thing coming yet it is a feeling of acknowledgment. I see that the individual coming is me yet as an elderly person. I look slight and delicate. I see my self-strolling gradually and for each progression I make my strides become increasingly slow. As the piece advances, I begin to hear chimes. This piece simply bring trouble into my head everything I can think currently is that for consistently that passes by I am close to the end. Be that as it may, the finish of what? I don’t comprehend. As Saturn arrives at the end I see the former me simply remaining there without moving. It appears as thought the end has come, similar to the torment and everything occurring in life has at long last stop. Uranus stars and I can envision a mammoth man strolling along a goliath walkway. In the walkway I can see a ton of officers walking. There is an inclination of puzzle with the piccolo and clarinets. Neptune was the last piece. This was my preferred one since it had something that the remainder of different planets didn't and that is a ladies ensemble. This gives a sentiment of going into paradise an arriving at the awesome one. .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .postImageUrl , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:hover , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:visited , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:active { border:0!important; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:active , .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:hover { darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: r elative; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-adornment: underline; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f74 1b6f8ca03afda7 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf1f0d1fb3fa8082f741b6f8ca03afda7:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Music downloading, unlawful or not ? EssayI can see others coming to the sky just as the ladies tune gets together with the ringers. The sentiment of arriving at the finish of the orchestra, is life-changing the ladies ensemble begins to become grow dim gradually turning out to be fainter until there is a slight distinction among quiet and sound. I was left trilled in the wake of tuning in to this orchestra. I never felt along these lines it was an astounding encounter feeling as thought I was flying through the universe of the universe. Anyway I wonder if there is Pluto. Also, if there is I’m getting it would presumably give pictures of obscure and secret.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Essay on Educational Psychology and Learners

Paper on Educational Psychology and Learners Paper on Educational Psychology and Learners Standards of Learning Presentation The accompanying task talks about inspiration, learning exercises, association of data, correspondence and criticism. The hypotheses of therapists will be referenced to the models given for inspiration and the association of data. Speculations incorporate those of Abraham Maslow, Jerome Bruner and David Kolb. Inspiration Understudies go to Learning Resources IT preparing on a willful premise, and are along these lines exceptionally energetic. These understudies are characteristically persuaded. Borich and Tombari depict this kind of inspiration as follows â€Å"intrinsic inspiration impacts students to pick an undertaking, get stimulated about it, and continue until they achieve it effectively, whether or not it brings a prompt reward† (p210). This depiction intently coordinates how our students carry on. Our understudies have perceived that they would profit by improving their IT aptitudes, have searched out and recognized an asset to assist them with accomplishing this, and are glad to go to a program that doesn't grant a declaration. A few understudies are outwardly roused, as there are outer variables for answerable for their participation. A case of this in the event that they are alluded by scholastic staff for extra IT support, or in the event that they are encountering issues with a task including IT. Social learning scholars, for example, Albert Bandura accept that watching peers shapes learners’ conduct and that the social condition can impact character Zimbardo, McDermott, Jansz and Metaal (p460). This could clarify why a few understudies go to in light of the fact that their friends are now capable in utilizing a PC. On the off chance that loved ones are IT educated, at that point the student feels they ought to be as well. As more individuals become adroit in utilizing IT, at that point more individuals will follow this conduct. Whatever the inspiration factors, when a student goes to a learning program it is the obligation of the guide to keep up their inspiration. The learning condition Presentation A tutor’s first thought is to set up and keep up a viable learning condition. Students need to have a sense of safety and sincerely sheltered. As the humanist analyst Abraham Maslow’s (1962) Hierarchy of Needs appears, physiological and wellbeing needs should be fulfilled before an individual can advance. These necessities can be applied to a PC workshop as talked about in Reece and Walker (p101). To fulfill physiological necessities the coach must guarantee that the room isn't excessively hot/chilly, the seats meet wellbeing and security guidelines, and students have sufficient breaks. Numerous understudies feel unreliable and uneasy about learning IT, to guarantee they have a sense of security it is significant that the mentor show compassion. PCs must be routinely kept up and programming appropriately introduced to guarantee the student doesn't need to battle with specialized troubles. Learning exercises The Humanist analysts accept conduct is remarkable to every person. We are not all persuaded by very similar things and we as a whole have various points and desires. Borich and Tombari depict the humanist hypothesis as follows: â€Å"It is called humanist on the grounds that the essential center is the inward considerations, sentiments, mental requirements, and feelings of the individual learner† (p285). The Humanistic methodology ought to apply picking showing techniques and arranging learning exercises. Learning exercises must be organized to address the issues everything being equal. This can be a test as certain students expect formal guidance and the coach drove approach, while others need to work autonomously, mentioning help as required. Students can get baffled and de-spurred if the workshop isn't at a fitting level or potentially the showing techniques and exercises improper to their requirements. Analyst Carl Rogers expressed that the student ought to be set at the focal point of the learning procedure through dynamic self-disclosure. He likewise expressed that â€Å"the employment of the instructor, in his view, is to

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Second Chance Bank Accounts Could They Be For You

Second Chance Bank Accounts Could They Be For You Second Chance Bank Accounts: Could They Be For You? Second Chance Bank Accounts: Could They Be For You?If your Chexsystems report makes opening a traditional bank account impossible, then a second chance bank account could, well, give you a second chance!Access to traditional banking makes a huge difference when it comes to your financial health. But you can also lose access to it relatively easily. If you have made some mistakes with a previous bank accountâ€"the same kinds of financial misbehavior that leads to a low credit scoreâ€"you might have a lot of difficulty opening a new one.That’s because many banks will run a credit check or look you up in ChexSystems. Among other functions, ChexSystems monitors the bank activity of American consumers. If you’ve previously had overdrafts or negative balances, that will show up when the bank runs your information through ChexSystems.However, even if you aren’t able to get a traditional bank account, you may still be able to get a second chance bank account. What is a second chance ba nk account? We’ll answer that, as well as some other questions in this very article! Read on and find out! Why a bank account is important.In case you aren’t yet convinced that you need a bank account in the first place, we’re here to convince you that you should probably have one.One major benefit of a bank account is the obvious one: Its a great place to keep your money. Not only will you have more room under your mattress, but traditional banks are FDIC insured which means your money will be protected. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a government insurance company that takes fees from banks so that, even if those banks screw up or get in some sort of trouble, you’ll still be able to access the money you deposited.Another common benefit is the ability to pay via debit card or withdraw cash from ATMs. If you can choose a bank that has enough ATMs near your personal stomping grounds, you shouldn’t even have to pay a fee to make withdrawals.It’s also m uch more expensive to try to get through life without a bank account. Aside from ATM fees, wiring money or cashing checks through your bank account is free, while check cashing establishments will charge you to access your own money. Those fees can be up to 12 percent of the check, which can easily mean losing hundreds of dollars from your paycheck every month.And if that’s not enough, banks can provide you to access to credit which can be vital to getting a home, a car, or a loan for nearly any other purpose. So if you’re barred from opening up a traditional bank account, it’s a good idea to explore your other options.Second chance for romanceâ€"ummâ€"banking.If you were caught by ChexSystems, you might still have the chance to open a second chance bank account. It’ll have some significant disadvantages compared to regular bank accounts, but it’s probably better than no bank account at all.“Simply stated, second chance bank accounts are checking accounts for people who had minor problems with previous checking accountsâ€"for instance, small overdrafts or a history of bounced checks,” explained RJ Mansfield (@DebtAssassin1), consumer’s rights advocate and author of  Debt Assassin: A Black Ops Guide to Cleaning Up Your Credit. “Checking accounts with a negative history will be reported to a data repository like Chexsystems.“These second chance accounts have higher monthly fees, higher bounced check charges, usually require a direct deposit, and cant be opened online. Because of the consumers past history with checking, these accounts are closely monitored and closed quickly if they are mishandled.”You’ll have to look at the specific second chance bank account being offered and see if it’s a good choice for your situation. If you do decide to get a second chance bank account and maintain it diligently, you may get the chance to graduate to a regular bank account after a year or two of good banking behavior. Its one of the best features that second chance bank accounts can offer!There are other possibilities.If you decide a second chance bank account isn’t for you, there are still some possibilities. You can look at your rights under ChexSystems and see if it’s worth contacting them. If they’ve made a mistake, you should make them aware of it so they can remove it.You could also try and get around ChexSystems entirely.“If you have had a previous problem with a checking account, you can avoid being required to open a second chance account by simply Googling, ‘Non-Chexsystems banks’ and opening an account with one of those institutions,” advised Mansfield.The penalties you face for not having a bank account are yet another example of how the system is often weighted against those who are already struggling. But there are still ways to overcome these hardships. It won’t necessarily be easy or fair, but it is possible.If you can take advantage of the options available to you, work out a plan, and stick to it, you can build yourself a better financial future.The worse shape youre in financially the more likely you are to fall prey to predatory no credit check loans and short-term  bad credit loans  like payday loans and cash advances. Thats not great! To learn more about how you can improve your long-term financial outlook, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Want to Avoid No Credit Check Loans? Build an Emergency FundA Beginner’s Guide to BudgetingWant to Raise Your Credit Score by 50 Points? Here Are Some Tips8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterWhat other questions do you have bank accounts?  Let us know! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.ContributorsRJ Mansfield  (@DebtAssassin1) is a consumer’s rights advocate and author of  Debt Assassin: A Black Ops Guide to Cleaning Up Your Credit.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Poverty and Pollution - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 559 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Ecology Essay Level High school Tags: Pollution Essay Did you like this example? Poverty and Pollution The assertion Pollution is the price of progress is supported some scholars that outlines different reasons as evidence. Evidently, some scholars identify the poor as the individuals that pay the price of the pollution for their progress. In the first stance, developing countries where poverty is rampant incur low costs and thus dumping polluting industries in these nations helps in the reducing the high costs of dealing with effects of pollution in developed countries. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Poverty and Pollution" essay for you Create order Instead of having a region recording high increase in pollution, the polluting agents should be redirected to clean because the concept helps in managing the high costs of pollution. The last statement that supports the assertion is the fact that people value their environment and consider keeping it clean relative to the rise in their incomes. Evidently, the fall in costs is noticeable when pollution rates fall due to the shift of the dirty from affluent to the affluent nations. A close examination of the ideas used to support the assertion that the poor should pay the price of their progress through increased pollution reveals that the economically, the ideology works and helps in economic improvement. However, it is apparent that the assertion offers economic benefits while the tradeoff ignores the moral issues evident in the decision to redirect pollution to the poor countries and regions. According to the human rights, all human beings have the right to life and this means the right to a healthy environment. Apparently, redirecting pollution to the poor is a wrong against humanity and it is punishable by law. Economic progress and development are noted as two close concepts are mutually, interdependent. Considering the economic value of a nations goods and services increases, the activities and the commitment of the nations workforce to produce quality and large quantities determine the positive economic progress. When relating economic progress which is on an upward trend, it is then true to assert that economic development rises, Therefore, the two concepts of the economy are mutually dependent. Using this relationship, it is evident that for developing countries to experience economic development, people in polluted regions cannot be relocated because most of the activities they engage in result in the pollution. For instance, the residents of Valley of Death in Brazil depend on their daily activities to earn and cater to their needs. However, the same activities that they value because of the employment opportunities available. One significant aspect of life is that one cannot relocate the individuals because they will lose their jobs and source of income. Therefore, instead of using the region as entirely for industrial services, it is significant to leave the individuals to sustain their living standards through the job opportunities that they polluting individuals offer. Therefore, pollution becomes a minor aspect while the jobs remain as the significant factors as they help in sustaining the living of the poor individuals in the polluted region. Using this example, the residents of the Valley of Death portray that the economic progress of the region influences economic development because the workforce has helped in the development of Brazils overall economy. In this way, economic growth overlooks some aspects that are dangerous to the community such as pollution. A polluted environment is a good place for the current residents because they manage to get money for improving their living standards.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Essay on Elizabeth Cady Stantons Fight for Equality

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was not just a mother, daughter, feminist, and writer; but she is the woman who changed the lives of women everywhere by fighting for equality. Stanton lived a normal childhood, but one that motivated her to never give up hope in reaching her goal. A quick background of her life will help better understand why she became such a powerful woman’s rights activist. Also, what she accomplished that changed history and how it still affects us today in 2011. I will also express my individual satisfaction with what this incredible woman has done for women everywhere. On November 12, 1815 Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born to the Cady family in Johnstown, New York (Gordon, 2009). She was born into a high-class, conservative,†¦show more content†¦Stanton accomplished great things although; she did not actually experience what her accomplishments resulted in. She was an advocate for women’s suffrage and that was her goal. She died before she could see her wish come true, but all her hard work and accomplishments made it happen. Along with her friend and partner Susan B. Anthony, Stanton began her fight for women’s rights in politics after the American Revolution. She organized the first national women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls (Gordon, 2009). This was the first time that the advocates for women’s rights formally organized. At this convention Stanton also co-authored the Declaration of Sentiments which really was the Declaration of Independence for women (Gordon, 2009). These women knew how powerful the original Declaration of Independence was in the US, and they were hoping to do the same. This showed the people who women are in the same situation that the US was with Britain before the revolution. Writing the Declaration was a huge step because without it they couldn’t really illustrate how severe their situation really was. Another accomplishment was the enactment of the married womenâ€⠄¢s property statute in 1848. Stanton and her followers were determined to see change in the property rights of women. In England, women had noShow MoreRelatedElizabeth Cady Stanton: Fighting for Womens Rights Essay986 Words   |  4 PagesElizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Cady Stanton didn’t want to be remembered as a household but the women they will admire. The purpose of this paper is to explain the life of Elizabeth Stanton and how she had a huge effect on the outcome of seeking equal rights for woman. Early Childhood First of all, the most famous influential feminist lead was known when she was a child. Elizabeth was born in November 12, 1815 in Johnstown, NY (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Biography). Her father was a judge andRead MoreDeclaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady 894 Words   |  4 Pagestheir roles and rights in society, hoping to one day achieve complete equality with their male counterparts. 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It means, simply, â€Å"The advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men†( But the connotation varies, from the aggressive to the convincing. When the eight-letter word pops into someone s brain, they might picture powerful modern and inspiring figures, like Malala Yousafzai, the youngest person, maleRead MoreElizabeth Cady Stanton s Declaration Of Sentiments And Resolutions Essay1405 Words   |  6 PagesA Call to Women, a Call to All Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought tirelessly against inequality between men and women, an issue that still plagues this nation. From her first address to her last, Elizabeth was the voice of the women’s rights movement. She lectured across the nation and publically debated the unjust laws of her day (â€Å"Elizabeth Cady Stanton†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Two of her more prominent and potent speeches were â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions† and â€Å"Solitude of Self†. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Interview Question and Ans Free Essays

Tell me about yourself? Ans1) My name is Sakshi Malhotra. I am from Faridabad. I have done my graduation degree in BBA from MD University, Rohtak. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview Question and Ans or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am currently pursuing PGDM degree from IMS college. Apart from the academic interests I am a creative person. Q2) What is your greatest strength? Weakness? Ans2) (i) Strengths: * Good communication skills * Strong will power * Dedicated nature. (ii) Weakness: * I cannot tolerate back biting. I may easily lose temper if I come across dishonest people. Q3) Why did you choose to interview with us? Ans3) I chose to interview with you because the job profile fits ideally with the kind of work experience that I am looking forward to. This is the firm in which I can realize my full potential and gain quality experience in my professional life. Q4) What are your short-term and long term goals? Ans4) (i) Short –Term Career Goals: To work in any of the four competitors –KPMG, E amp; Y, PWC, DELLOITE (ii) Long Term Goal: Long-Term Goal of mine is to broaden my experience in different departments and work processes of the industry so that I can become qualified enough to lead a company as the CEO. Q5) Describe a time you had to make a difficult decision? Ans5) The most difficult decision I had to make so far was to choose between a career in Hotel Management and a career in management. With the help of my family I decided to choose a career in management as it will still fulfill my dream of managing and I also get to choose the industry I want to work in. Q6) What do you do when a team member is not pulling his/her weight? Ans6) When a team- member is not pulling his/her weight then I will try to find out the reason for the de motivated behavior of the team member. If a can resolve the issue then I will put my efforts in that direction else if I cannot find the reason then I will try to lead by example by putting extra efforts and involving the team member. Q7) Think about a time you made a mistake. What did you learn from it? Ans7) The mistake that I made was very trivial and hence not worth mentioning here but the lesson that I learnt was much more important. I learnt that it is always easier and better to admit your mistake and apologize for it. Trying to hide the mistake is just another mistake. How to cite Interview Question and Ans, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Theory&Current Issues in

Question: Discuss about theTheoryCurrent Issues in Accounting. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyze the different ways of the measurement of the five financial elements defined in the International Financial Reporting Standards. The five key areas for the analysis and the comparison of the measurement in the reporting are based on the areas related assets, liabilities, equity, income expenses, including the gain and losses and the changes in the presentation and the preparation of the cash flow statement (,2013). The report is not only limited to addressing the elements stated in the IFRS reporting but also related to inclusion of different types of the elements from the U.S. GAAP, Chinese National Accounting Standards. The different types of the accounting standards and the conceptual framework for the adherence of the reporting standards differ with one another. The report intends to show the variations in the changes in the financial reporting standards in context of the IFRS reporting standards, which is being followed in Aus tralia. The report not only provides the relevant examples for showing the changes in the reporting standards, but it also shows the application of the knowledge in the different strategies in order to meet the present accounting issues and the problems prevalent in the new situation. The report shows the usefulness of the overall analysis of the different techniques and suggests which is more suitable in a practical scenario. The latter part of the report shows the application of the measurement model in the corporate accounting scenario. The practical example of the model in the list of companies is shown as per AASB guideline and how the measurement is recorded differently in the measurement of the aforementioned five key financial elements, which are assets, liabilities, equity, income expenses and cash flow statements (Harris Arnold, 2013). Discussion The first key element to show the difference in measurement is done based on the asset valuation technique of a company. According to Hsu et al., (2014), the main ground for showing the measurement in terms of the assets of a company has been shown for the long-lived assets held for use. The impairment in these assets as per the US GAAP is two step process. The first process compares the carrying amount with the undiscounted cash flows. In case the carrying amount is observed to be lower than the undiscounted cash flows the impairment loss is not considered, in case it is higher, the impairment loss is taken as the difference fair value and the carrying. In case of the IFRS, reporting standards the carrying amount of a particular asset is compared with the recoverable asset (, 2016). The IFRS considers the changes in the market interest rate while computing the impairment in the long-lived assets hence the IFRS standard of measurement is considered more useful. Inventory is an integral part of the nonfinancial assets. The IFRS reporting standard prohibits the use of last in first out (LIFO) costing technique, while this is allowed to be done as per the US GAAP reporting and measurement standards. The US GAAP uses last in first out (LIFO) as a general costing method for the inventories (, 2016). As per the guidelines given under the Chinese accounting standards, the use of LIFO is prohibited. It is further suggested that the cost of the inventories needs to be stipulated as per the investment agreement. In practical scenario, a US GAAP company shows significantly lower inventory amount. Although this may look like a bad procedure but the company is significantly able to reduce the tax liabilities (, 2016). Hence, the LIFO method is more useful. It is further observed that in case of IFRS measurement, the de-recognition of the financial assets takes place in terms of the effective control over the financial assets. In such a case then transferred financial assets are legally separated for the transferor. In case of U.S. GAAP the de-recognition of the financial assets is done as per the mixed model which considers the transfers risks and the rewards for the control (, 2016). The next differentiating component chosen in the measurement of the financial element is liability and equity. US GAAP is observed to follow the guidelines given as per ASC 718, which classifies the liability or equity component as an award. IFRS is also considered to follow a similar principle classified under ASC 718, however IAS 32 has different arrangement with respect to IFRS 2. This particular regulation is important for assortment of awards classified under equity in case of US GAAP while the liabilities are considered under the (IFRS, 2016). In case of measurement of financial element as per the US GAAP regulations, the deferred compensation arrangement for the employee benefits is measured on the basis of present value of the different types of benefits expected in exchange for an service of employee till date. IFRS is not observed to distinguish the individual senior executive employment as it is done in US GAAP. The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) GAAP uses t he ASBE 9 guidelines for providing compensation to the employees during the termination. It also requires to assess the liability during the period of services and the employee benefits payable for that particular time. Under the PRC GAAP regulation, liabilities recognize only for alliances, bonuses, subsidies, staff welfare, cost related to education and salaries. As the IAS 19 recognizes the employee benefits on the basis of short-term planning it is considered to be most ideal in practical situation (Harris et al., 2014). The next differentiating criterion has been selected as income and expenses. As per the guidelines given by US GAAP, the revenues linked separately with the price extended warranties and maintenance contracts should be deferred and recognized as income based on straight-line method of contract life. In case of IFR is the sale of extended warranty and the revenue generated from sale of the same needs to be deferred and recognized for the time covered under the warranty. As per the US GAAP model, the income taxes are recognized to record the deferred taxes under the compensation cost and considered it as a tax deduction (Giloz-Ran et al., 2014). The deferred tax measurement is computed on the amount of cost of compensation recognized for book purposes. In case of IFRS, the deferred tax asset is recorded each period based on the future tax deductions. As per the PRC GAAP guidelines, the deferred income is recognized as the non-monetary asset measured as per the fair value method. It has been also stated that only the useful life can be accessed of the relevant asset. Under the PRC GAAP, the entire amount of asset grant discredited under capital reserve on completion of construction of related asset (Evans et al., 2014). The income statement as per US GAAP may be prepared either in single step format in which the expenses are categorized by the function and deductions are made from total income to be arrived before kissing the income before tax (IBT) or the multistep format suggests the separation of operating from non-operating activities before presentation of IBT. As per the existing regulations under US GAAP, all the registrants need to consider expenses in the income statement as per their function. It may be however observed that the depreciating expense needs to be presented as a separate income statement in the line items. For example, the cost of sales needs to be accompanied by the phrase exclusive of depreciation, this has been shown under gross margin. Under the reporting of IFRS guidelines, the presentation of the expenses can be done by its either nature or function, which is responsible for providing the information, which is more relevant and reliable depending on industry factors and nature of entity. Some of the extra disclosures of expenses by nature such as amortization expense, depreciation and expenses related to employee benefit is required to be shown in the financial reports under income statement. Moreover, the measurement of extraordinary incomes as per US GAAP is defined by being infrequent or unusual in practice. While in case of IFRS measurement model, the extraordinary items are prohibited (Stahlin et al., 2013). Under the income, section has been further noted that US GAAP does not include components such as active related income from comprehensive sources cannot be included. While in case of IFRS reporting the entities are allowed to be presented to report the other comprehensive income either in single statement of profit and loss or in form of other comprehensive income, but in two separate consecutive statements. As per the measurement model of PRC GAAP, the consolidated income statement needs to be presented after the profit had been determi ned for a particular financial year (Price, 2014). The gains attributed to the minority interests are not presented either as an income or as expense. In addition to this, it is not included before profit for the financial year. The changes in the equity and the minority interest are presented under the equity as per the current PRC GAAP. The next financial element considered for showing the difference in measurement seen in the repression of cash flow statement. As per the guidelines given by US GAAP Model the excess tax benefits often termed as windfalls or shortfalls in case of reduction in the value of any equity, the excess tax benefit based on settlement of an award is reported under the cash inflows from the financial activities (Lin et al., 2012). In case of IFRS measurement, the expected tax benefit is lesser than the amount of tax effect of 10 from recognized expense. The IFRS 2 norms does not include the role of windfall tax for the waiver of the shortfalls under tax benefit. It has been also stated that the tax benefits or the shortfalls on the settlement of an award is considered under operating cash flows. Under the IFRS accounting method, the fair value of the insurance policies is determined based on discounted cash flow model where the discount rate is reflected by the associated risk and the expected date of maturity or the disposal date of the assets. The variations in the measurement of the cash flow statement are also seen in case of US GAAP (Price, 2014). In this case, the cash flows are expected from the usage of long-lived asset under the asset group over the estimated remaining life and the cash outflows are necessary to be included as per the future expenditures of the long-lived asset under the asset group. In case of the IFRS, recommendations the cash inflows from the continued use of asset or activities are included in CGU (Oliver, 2014). Conclusion The different types of variations in measurement can be seen as per stated under US GAAP, IFRS and PRC GAAP. Although the extent of five key elements in the financial statement for the measurement of the requirements is very large still the report provides the necessary information on the important aspects of equities, liabilities, assets and changes in the cash flow statement under the aforementioned accounting standards. The report also shows the rationale for stating the more usefulness of a particular application of model through critical analysis and relating the model in practical scenario. The report also provides the relevant examples to show the treatments of the measurements under the stated accounting standards. It can be concluded by saying that there is no particular best method for measurement of the financial entities, each standard excels in its own way during the measurement of financial components. Reference List[online]Availableat: [Accessed 15 Sep. 2016]. Evans, M.E., Houston, R.W., Peters, M.F. and Pratt, J.H., 2014. Reporting regulatory environments and earnings management: US and non-US firms using US GAAP or IFRS. The Accounting Review, 90(5), pp.1969-1994.[online]Availableat:$FILE/IFRSBasics_BB2435_November2012.pdf [Accessed 15 Sep. 2016]. Giloz-Ran, E., Gavious, I. and Lev, B., 2014. The Positive Externalities of IFRS: Enhanced RD Disclosure. Harris, P., Arnold, L. W. (2013). US GAAP Conversion To IFRS: A Case Study Of The Balance Sheet. Journal of Business Case Studies (Online), 9(2), 133. Harris, P., Jermakowicz, E. K., Epstein, B. J. (2014). Converting Financial Statements from US GAAP to IFRS. The CPA Journal, 84(1), 20. Hsu, H. T., Anantharaman, D., Balsam, S., Basu, S., Krishnan, J. (2014). Comparison of Long-Lived Asset Impairments Under US GAAP and IFRS. Temple University Libraries. (2013). Conceptual Framework - Definition of elements (IASB). [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Sep. 2016].[online]Availableat: [Accessed 15 Sep. 2016]. Lin, S., Riccardi, W., Wang, C. (2012). Does accounting quality change following a switch from US GAAP to IFRS? Evidence from Germany. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 31(6), 641-657. Oliver, K. (2014). Balance Sheet Presentation under IAS 1 and US GAAP. Price, S. (2014). Predictive Ability for US GAAP and IFRS (Doctoral dissertation, ANDERSON UNIVERSITY).[online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Sep. 2016].[online]Availableat: [Accessed 15 Sep. 2016]. Stahlin, W., Harris, P., Arnold, L. W., Kinkela, K. (2013). A Comprehensive Case Study: US GAAP Conversion to IFRS. Howe School Research Paper, (2013-1).

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Important Things You Have To Know Before You Start Teaching

Important Things You Have To Know Before You Start Teaching Quality education is a significant factor in our lives, so people who are able to deliver knowledge and give the opportunity to develop are highly valued. Such occupation as a teacher might not be the best-paid job in the world, but the importance of it in our society cannot be underestimated. If you have already made a decision to become a teacher, there are some things that you need to know before you are entering the profession. Being adaptable Teaching is about the live interaction with other people who are all very different. Either you deal with a class at the kindergarten, or with the 9th grade class, they all have their unique backgrounds and different characters. At one point you have to calm down an overactive child, and in a few minutes, you need to give encouragement and support to another pupil who might be timid and insecure. Thus, adapting to each personality is a very important skill for being a good teacher. Developing professionally The occupation of a teacher is very demanding. You have such important task ahead of you as educating the younger generation and preparing it for life, so there will be a huge responsibility on your shoulders. Therefore, it is vitally important to constantly grow and develop yourself professionally in order to provide your learners with the newest and up-to-date information. Be prepared to work hard, and, primarily, you will need to work hard on yourself first. Being a teacher means being patient Teaching is all about patience. Some pupils grasp information very easily and quickly, while some require a bit more time to understand and learn the material you give. Being tolerant and patient is a very important skill for a teacher. Adjusting to the learning pace of each student is difficult and requires a lot of effort and wisdom. However, if you accept the unique learning style of each person and master your ability to react adequately when the teaching process is bumpy, you will get great results. Getting ready to commit Teaching is not a usual office job when you can leave work at a certain time and have a free evening for yourself. When the classes are over, you will be required to prepare lesson plans for the next day, check and grade homework. From time to time, you will be required to hold parent conferences and regularly attend staff meetings. You might also end up staying after lessons with a student who needs some additional assistance in learning your subject. You need to be ready to sacrifice some of your personal time and show your dedication to the job that you have chosen. The teacher is considered to be a noble profession since a good education gives young people an opportunity to have a great and fulfilling life in the future. However, before getting into teaching, you need to be prepared and to be aware of what to expect. The job is very demanding, but if you are ready to work hard, constantly develop and embrace all challenges of the chosen profession, the outcome will pleasantly amaze you. After all, being a teacher is incredibly rewarding, and if you are dedicated enough, you will see amazing results really soon.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Christa Prange essays

Christa Prange essays Christa Prange is a Biomedical Scientist in the Biology and Biotechnology Research Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. She has 7 years of experience in gene discovery projects, especially focusing on high-throughput cDNA production and automation. Ms. Prange initially joined the Biology and Biotechnology Research Program as a technician working on mapping and characterizing chromosome 19 genes. Since then, she has started work with the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium, a collaborative gene discovery effort that produces publicly available cDNA clones. She is now Project Manager for the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium and is involved in developing and maintaining the high-throughput pipeline of arrayed cDNA clones as well as ensuring their quality. ...

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

History - Essay Example It is no wonder that hardly the first serious book on Progressive Era history was The Search for Order. Its author, Robert Wiebe, viewed this search as replacing such mores and values of small town community life as promptness, frugality, efficiency and foresight† with such assumptions of bureaucracy as rationality and functionality, management and administration, regularity and continuity. According to Wiebe Americans traded the values that had been regulating individual relationships for those oriented towards bureaucratic order because new interconnected industrial economy needed to be centralized and professionalized. As a result Americans have assumed bureaucratic Weltanschauung. Wiebe argues that such a worldview allowed for giving adequate responses to complicated problems unlike previous era narrow-minded, community-centered moralistic mind. As Wiebe puts it the Progressivism in fact was ambition of the new born middle class to realize its predestination through the mea ns of bureaucracy Work Cited Wiebe, Robert. The Search for Order, 1877-1920. New York: Hill & Wang, 1967. Print.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Problem Solving Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Problem Solving - Case Study Example The short term liquidity of ACLU improves with time and that is a good indicator for the company. The return on assets of the company shows the ability of the company to increase profits as a result of the productivity accruing from the net assets. The measure will show the productivity of the company. The productivity of the company will affect the ability of the company to increase profits and, hence, the financial position of the company. The company mainly relies on donations as opposed to loans. That means that it will have no financial obligation to external firms or financial institutions (Finkler 2010). If I were a fund raising manager, I would mainly focus on the current members as opposed to new members. If a person wants to make donations and would want to know the amount of money that will be put in the major activities of the company, I would advise on the use of efficiency ratios. All the chapters were audited because the final report was given by the company. The financial statements are not free of error because auditing is an exercise that involves sampling and that could be subject to some approximation error. The donation of land and buildings should be treated differently as capital items and they should be capitalizing in the recording of their receipt. If wish sued LIFO method, the net assets would have increased as opposed to the use of FIFO. The service that qualifies as a program service is management and general services. The decrease in net assets could be as a result of the losses from the stock market because the investments have been incorporated as part of assets of the company. Wish does not include any provisions for a law suit because they have not indicated such an instance. The overall assessment of the finances of wish shows that the company is doing well but has the potential of doing much

Monday, January 27, 2020

Mixing Educator Basic Principle Engineering Essay

Mixing Educator Basic Principle Engineering Essay An educator is a device which mixes two liquids of different flow rates giving a solution of desired flow rate. Educators are made using a venturi design. It enables small pumps to circulate large volumes of tank solution. When pumping is used for solution agitation, the use of an educator will circulate four to five gallons of solution in the tank for every one gallon you pump. Fig 1.1: Mixing educator Basic principle It operates on the principle of flow dynamics pressurized fluid is accelerated through the nozzle to become a high velocity stream that entrains the tank content and intimately mixes with them. The combined stream exists the educator at a high velocity creating a flow field capable of causing additional agitation and mixing the tank contents. Tanks have used pumps without educators for solution mixing for years. Now with the usage of educators, the efficiency has been increased. Educators reduce the energy consumption of the pumps motors and will allow a smaller and less expensive pump to be used to perform the same job. Tank educators motive fluid may come from two sources. The tank liquid may be recirculated through the educator via and external pump or a secondary fluid maybe introduced into the tank. Secondary fluid can be liquid or a gas. Fig 1.2: Functioning of the Educator Usage Tank mixing educators are widely used in many applications to effectively and efficiently mix tank solutions. They offer many benefits over other approaches and are available in many different types of styles, sizes and materials. Tank Mixing Educators are used to agitate liquid, dissolve powdered solids in liquid, and to mix two or more liquids intimately within a tank or other vessel without the use of baffles or moving parts inside the tank. They are used to drain flooded cellars, empty tanks and sumps or bunds. Also used for pumping and mixing operations in oil treating systems. De-watering sand and coal barges, Introducing anti-knock fluids and colouring matter into gasoline. Continuous blending, Acidifying ,production of emulsions, Caustic zing of oils, Mixing drilling mud It can also be used to pump food products, sand and filter clay or activated carbon. Tank mixing. Educators are currently installed in the following types of re-circulating process tanks: Plating tanks Cleaning tanks Phosphate tanks E-coat paint tanks Sludge tanks Paint booths Anodizing tanks Cooling towers Fertilizer tanks Pulp tanks Decorative fountains Salt water aquariums Reef tanks Features As there are no moving parts in the educator, it minimizes the maintenance expenses. Optimum flow field enables more activity within the tank than competitive units without changing pumps. Compact design and ease of mounting prevents the educator from interfering with other tank equipment. The educator can be installed in a wide variety of open vessels or closed tanks.   It eliminates stratification and promotes a homogenous tank with relation to pH, temperature, solids or gas dispersion, and distribution of chemicals. As the educator can generate a directed flow field within the fluid being mixed including viscous fluids, slurries, and suspension ,it produces a unique agitation not available with other types of mixers. Liquids of different specific gravity can be mixed easily. It is excellent for scrubbing application. In-tank mounting eliminates the need for costly, complex mounting structures above tanks. Benefits Ensures homogeneous fluid mix throughout the tank. More thorough mixing results in solution uniformity such as temperature, pH level, solids/gas dispersion and chemical distribution which helps in ensuring product and process quality. Eliminates sludge build-up and reduces the tank cleaning time. Enables the usage of small pumps to circulate large volumes of tank solution. Smaller pumps are less costly to purchase- Units are small in relation to the work they do and cost is correspondingly low. Smaller pumps are less expensive to operate. Simplifies operation and maintenance as there are no moving parts it eliminates the need for compressed or blower air and the resulting oil contamination and/or ventilation problems. Self-Priming Educators are self-priming. They operate equally well in continuous or intermittent service. No Moving Parts Educators have a very simple design and are reliable. There are no moving parts to wear or break in a basic educator. Even when equipped with accessories such as regulating spindles, snap valves, float mechanisms only a little maintenance is required. Corrosion and Erosion Resistant Because they can be made of practically any workable material, or coated with corrosion-resistant materials, educators can be made highly resistant to the actions of the liquids handled or the environment in which located. Educators can be used in hazardous locations where electrically operated alternates would require explosion proofing at considerable cost .Hence they are very safe. Automatically Controlled Units can be adapted for automatic control by means of a pressure liquid regulating spindle or a snap-valve and float arrangement. Easy to Install Connections can be made to suit your piping requirements. Little space is required to accommodate units and they are normally so light in weight they can be supported by the piping to which they are attached. CHAPTER 2 TYPES OF EDUCATORS Water jet educators The Water Jet Educator is a type of ejector which utilizes the kinetic energy of a pressurized liquid to entrain another liquid, mix the two, and discharge the mixture against a counter pressure. These types of ejectors are used throughout industry for pumping, mixing and various other operations. During the operation, the pressure liquid enters the educator through the pressure nozzle producing a high velocity jet. This jet action creates a vacuum in the line which causes the suction liquid to flow up into the body of the educator where it is entrained by the pressure liquid. Both liquids are discharged against back pressure after being thoroughly mixed in the throat of the educator .The body with no pockets permits the pressure liquid to move straight through the educator and reduces the possibility of solids in the suction material collecting and clogging. In the suction chamber the pressure drop held to a minimum. Advantages: Low initial cost. Self-priming Easy to install Little or no maintenance required No moving parts No electrical connections required Fig 2.1: Water Jet Educators Automatic educators Automatic Water Jet Educators are used to pump out sumps where liquid accumulates slowly but must be evacuated when it has reached a predetermined level.As the liquid in the sump (basin, tank, cellar, bilge, etc.) is accumulated, it raises the ball float until the upward action of the float opens the snap-acting valve, admitting motive fluid into the pressure connection of the educator. The jet action of the motive fluid creates a vacuum in the educator and entrains the suction fluid, discharging both the fluids then. The sump level drops to a point where the snap acting valve shuts off ,as the suction fluid is pumped out. Pumping action does not take place until the sump again fills to the operating level. Advantages: Automatic operation. No electrical connection required. Only 2 moving parts- snap-acting valve and ball float. The full assembly is so compact it can be installed in tanks as small as 13 1/2 diameter. Condensate and mixing educator Fig 2.3: Condensate Educator These educators are designed to mix two liquids in various proportions in operations where the pressure liquid is the greater proportion of the mixture. In operation, the pressure liquid issues from the nozzle at high velocity and entrains the suction liquid. The high turbulence in the throat of the educator mixes the two liquids, blending and emulsifying thoroughly and completely. Colloidal suspensions are produced.. The pressure drop between the pressure liquid and the discharge should be at least 10 psi for adequate mixing, and the difference between the discharge pressure and the suction pressure should not exceed 75% of the difference between the operating pressure and the suction pressure. Applications: Removal of condensate Mixing gasoline Diluting acids and alkali Blending and proportionating chemical solutions Tank mixing educator It is done by mechanical agitation. They are used to agitate liquid, dissolve powdered solids in liquid, and to mix two or more liquids intimately within a tank without using baffles or moving parts inside the tank. Normally, the tank is filled by means of the educators. Mixing occurs as soon as the level of liquid in the tank covers the suction of the educator. In addition to the mixing obtained between the fluids in the educator, the jet action of the discharge from the educator serves to agitate the tank thus preventing stratification. Hopper equipped educator Hopper-Type Educators are made for handling slurries or dry solids in granular form and are used for ejecting sludges from tank bottoms, for pumping sand from filter beds and for washing and conveying granular materials. Typical materials handled include: borax, charcoal, diatomaceous earth, lime, mash, fly ash, rosin, rock and granulated salt, sand, dry sawdust, light soda ash, dry sodium nitrate, powdered sulphur, wheat and many others. Fig 2.5: Hopper Equipped Educator Advantages: no moving parts easy design (made from machine able or cast able materials) no maintenance required Water jet sand educator Water Jet Sand and Mud Educators are used in pumping out wells, pits, tanks, or sumps where there is an accumulation of sand, mud, or other material not easily handled by the standard educator. Heavy sludge residue can be handled easily from refining operations. They have an open suction and are designed to be submerged in the material being handled. The pressure liquid, passing through the nozzle, produces a high velocity jet which entrains the sludge or mud. Discharge then takes place through a vertical pipe or hose. Annular Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Educator Annular Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Educators are designed to handle solids and semi-solids. Water is introduced though the nozzles on the periphery. The pressure water creates a vacuum which draws in and entrains the material being handled. Fig 2.7: Multi -nozzle Water Jet Educator. Advantages: Highest efficiency Low discharge High air handling capacities. Plastic tank educators There are 2 types: PPL (Glass Reinforced Polypropylene) and PVDF (KYNAR ®). Educator circulation ratio of supply to discharge is1:5 Polypropylene (PPL) It is a polymer prepared catalytically from propylene which differs from HDPE by having an isotactic replacement of a hydrogen atom by a methyl group on alternate carbon atoms in the main chain. Although largely unreactive chemically the presence of the methyl groups makes Polypropylene slightly more susceptible to attack by strong oxidizing agents than HDPE. Quick Facts: Maximum Temperature: 275 °F 135 °C Minimum Temperature: 32 °F 0 °C Melting Point: 338 °F 170 °C   Tensile Strength: 4,500 psi   Hardness: R95   UV Resistance:  Poor   Translucent ,Rigid Specific Gravity: 0.90 Advantages: High temperature resistance Excellent resistance to dilute and concentrated acids, alcohols ,mineral oils . Good resistance to aldehydes, esters, aliphatic hydrocarbons. Limited resistance to aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons. KYNAR (PVDF): Is a high molecular weight thermoplastic polymer with excellent chemical inertness. Quick Facts: Melting point : 352 ° F Heat deflection at 66 psi (ASTM D 648) : 300 ° F Heat deflection at 264 psi (ASTM D 648) : 235 ° F Maximum serving temperature for short term : 340 ° F Maximum serving temperature for long term : 285 ° F Thermal conductivity (ASTM C 177) : 1.32 Btu-inch/hr-ft~2-  ° F Specific heat : 0.23 Btu/lb-  ° F Coefficient of linear thermal expansion (ASTM D 696) : 7.110~5 Applicable temperature range for thermal expansion : 50-300 ° F Advantages: Highly resistant to oxidizing agents and halogens. Completely resistant to aliphatic aromatics, alcohols, acids and chlorinated solvents. Resistant to most acids and bases. Mechanically strong Thermally stable Resistant to low temperatures Self-extinguishing Non-toxic High dielectric strength Stable to ultraviolet and extreme conditions. CHAPTER 3 CUSTOM TANK EDUCATOR MANIFOLD DESIGN Manifold designs can be customized for various applications. Shown below is a type of design used by various industries for a number of applications. The main advantage of such a design is that it is highly efficient. Fig 31: Manifold Design CHAPTER 4 TYPES OF COATING 4.1 Fusion Bonded Coating A single coating offers excellent abrasion resistance that it can withstand the punishment of sand blasting.5-3 mils thick coating can be applied. Fig 4.1 Machine able Excellent Abrasion Resistance 300 ° F Continuous Service Impact Resistant Withstands Saltwater Environment Self-Lubrication Electrical Insulation 4.2 Edathon Coating This coating is applied by electrostatic powder spray or fluidized powder bed. Its strength, radiation resistance, wear resistance and creep resistance are greater than those of other fluoropolymers such as PTFF,FEP or PEA. Excellent Corrosion Resistance Excellent Abrasion Resistance 300 ° F Continuous Service Good Non-Stick Characteristics Excellent Dielectric Insulation Resistance to radiation High chemical and temperature resistant Fig: 4.2 Edathon Coating Edathon Coated Tank Nozzle CHAPTER 5 DESIGHNING OF AN EDUCATOR 5.1 Materials of Construction Carbon steel 316 SS Bronze PVC PPL PVDF Titanium Teflon Fiberglass 5.2 Design and Dimensions As it is one of the most cost-efficient and effective ways for manufacturers to get the best performance from their re-circulating process tanks, it is easy to see why tank mixing educators are the design of choice for all major manufacturers. To obtain optimal mixing performance, it is important to understand these product differences and how to specify and install educators. Liquid mixing educators consists of a nozzle, a venture and a body to hold parts in their relative positions and to provide a suction chamber. Additional accessories such as regulating spindles, snap values and floats for controlled agitation can also be added to the design. Liquid jet educators are manufactured in a variety of types and sizes as well as materials .The standard type are: 264 type-0.5 inch to 6 inch 266 type-0.5 inch to 6 inch 242 type-0.5 inch to 24 inch Before determining the correct type and size of the educator certain variables such as pressure, temperature, density required ,entrainment rates and operating conditions must all be considered. Fig 5.2 Design Fig 5.3: Dimensions of an Educator Table 1: Types of educators Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension D Size Max Free Passage IN (mm) IN (mm) IPS (mm) IN (mm) 3/8 0.2656 5.00 (127) 2.50 (64) 3/8 MNPT (10) .50 (12) 3/4 0.4062 7.25 (184) 3.69 (94) 3/4 MNPT (20) .81 (20) 1-1/2 0.5625 10.88 (276) 5.50 (140) 1-1/2 FNPT (40) 1.12 (28) 2 0.8125 14.50 (368) 7.69 (195) 2 FNPT (50) 1.62 (41) 3 1.1875 22.00 (559) 11.75 (298) 3 FNPT (80) 2.50 (63) 4 consult 25.00 (635) 12.00 (305) 4 FNPT (100) 3.00 (76) 6 consult 35.00 (889) 25.00 (635) 6 FNPT (150) 4.50 (114) CHAPTER 6 WORKING As the motive liquid enters the tank contents into the suction openings ,a thorough mixing takes place within the unit before being discharged. Further mixing and agitation is provided by the discharge flow within the tank. The motive fluid is drawn from the tank. Requirements for Mixing: Minimum inlet pressure 10 PSIG Maximum inlet pressure 100 PSIG For efficient operation the inlet pressure should be within the range of 20 to 70 PSIG. As the solution is pumped through an educators orifice, a low pressure area is created that acts to pull solution from behind the bell shape of the educator and direct the solution out of the bell end.  Ã‚  For each gallon of solution that is pumped through the educator, five gallons of additional solution is circulated within the tank. Fig 6.1: Working CHAPTER 7 GUIDELINES FOR SPECIFYING MIXING EDUCATORS Step 1: Determine the needed turnover rate: How many times per hour does the tank solution need to circulate through the educators? The answer is application dependent and based on solution viscosity and the number of particulates. A general rule of thumb is 20 turnovers per hour. Some typical guidelines are given below: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Plating and rinsing tanks: 10 to 20 turnovers per hour although (some plating tanks may require more than 30 turnovers per hour). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cleaning tanks: at least 10 turnovers per hour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Heavily soiled tanks: up to 20 turnovers per hour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Critical cleaning tanks: more than 20 turnovers per hour. Step 2: Calculate the needed flow rate: Multiply the turnover rate by the tank volume and then divide by 60. Example: Let, turnover rate/hr. =10; Tank volume=800 gallons Then 10 x 800=800 gph Now 8000 à · 60 =133.3 gpm Step 3: Determine the needed inlet flow rate: As educators mix at a 5:1 ratio, take the gallons (litters) per minute and divide by 5. Example: 133.3 à · 5 = 26.7 gpm Step 4: Determine the educator size required with the help of the performance table. Step 5: Determine how many educators you need: Multiple educators may be used to obtain the needed flow rate or to prevent stagnation which is a common problem in square and rectangular tanks. In general, using multiple educators in larger tanks will provide more effective mixing than one centrally located educator. Step6: Determine the educator placement: As little agitation occurs below the level of the educator, in order to obtain maximum liquid turnover, the educators should be positioned as close as possible to the bottom of the tank. If settling cannot be tolerated, install the educators 1 (.3 m) above the bottom of the tank. Educators should be placed so the flow field will reach the farthest and highest liquid level at the opposite side of the tank. Mounting adapters are available to direct flow as needed. The educators should be placed 12 (.3 m) apart for uniform and even agitation. CHAPTER 8 OBSERVATIONS AND CALCULATIONS Mathematical Model The educator designed here is made up of fiberglass and is based on the operating data for type 264. For the test the eductant used is water and the suction fluid used is blue ink. Eductant pressure, suction head and discharge pressure were varied and the eductant and suction flows were measured. For example: The following table shows the values calculate when using a .48 educator, with 15 PSI pressure available. The flow rate through the nozzle will be 25 GPM-The total amount circulated will be 125 GPM. Table 2: Observations Size orifice and NPT connection Pressure (PSI) 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Nozzle Flow (USGPM) .20 1/4 NPT 3.2 3.5 4.3 5.0 5.5 6.1 6.6 7.0 .30   Ã‚   3/8   6.2 7.5 9.2 10.7 11.9 13.1 14.1 15 .37 3/4 11.8 13.5 17 19 21 23 25 27 .48 1 18.7 21 25 29 33 36 39 42 .62 1 1/2 33 41 47 53 58 63 67 8.2 Graphical Analysis The graph for flow vs. pressure drop was calculated for different diameters is show below: Fig 8.2 : Graphical Analysis (Flow Vs Pressure Drop) 8.3 Performance Table Table 3:Performance and observation The values for the designed educator we measured and tabulated below: Size IPS Pressure Difference, PSI 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 Motive Flow (GPM) 7.1 10.0 12.3 14.2 15.8 17.4 18.7 20.1 21.3 22.4 24.6 26.5 3/8 MNPT Outlet Flow (GPM) 35 50 61 71 79 87 88 90 91 92 94 96 Max. Plume Length 4 8 12 16 22 29 36 43 50 58 72 86 Table 4:Performance Study The estimated values for the educators of various other sizes are tabulated below: 3/4 MNPT Motive Flow (GPM) 15.4 21.8 26.7 30.8 34.5 37.8 40.8 43.6 46.3 48.8 53.4 57.7 Outlet Flow (GPM) 77 109 134 154 172 189 192 195 197 200 204 209 Max. Plume Length (FT) 5 11 17 24 33 42 53 64 74 85 106 127 Motive Flow (GPM) 30.8 43.6 53.4 61.6 68.9 75.5 81.5 87.2 92.5 97.5 107 115 1-1/2 FNPT Outlet Flow (GPM) 154 218 267 306 345 378 384 389 395 400 409 417 Max. Plume Length (FT) 7.5 16 24 34 46 60 75 90 105 120 150 180 2 FNPT Motive Flow (GPM) 61.6 87.2 107 123 138 151 163 174 185 195 214 231 Outlet Flow (GPM) 308 436 534 616 689 755 767 778 789 799 818 835 Max. Plume Length (FT) 11 23 34 48 65 85 106 12 148 170 212 255 Motive Flow (GPM) 142 201 246 283 317 347 375 401 426 449 491 531 3 FNPT Outlet Flow (GPM) 708 1,003 1,228 1,417 1,585 1,737 1,764 1,790 1,815 1,836 1,880 1,920 Max. Plume Length (FT) 16 34 51 73 99 129 161 193 225 257 322 386 4 Flanged Motive Flow (GPM) 246 349 427 493 551 604 652 698 740 780 856 920 Outlet Flow (GPM) 1,232 1,744 2,136 2,448 2,760 3,024 3,072 3,112 3,160 3,200 3,272 3,336 Max. Plume Length (FT) 22 41 60 95 132 164 196 228 260 295 360 424 6 Flanged Motive Flow (GPM) 493 698 854 986 1,102 1,208 1,304 1,395 1,480 1,560 1,712 1,840 Outlet Flow (GPM) 2,464 3,488 4,272 4,896 5,520 6,048 6,144 6,224 6,320 6,400 6,544 6,672 8 Flanged Motive Flow (GPM) 986 1,395 1,709 1,971 2,205 2,416 2,608 2,790 2,960 3,120 3,424 3,680 Outlet Flow (GPM) (FT) 4,928 6,976 8,544 9,792 11,040 12,096 12,384 12,448 12,640 12,800 13,088 13,344 10 Flanged Motive Flow (GPM) 1,971 2,790 3,418 3,942 4,410 4,832 5,216 5,581 5,920 6,240 6,848 7,360 Outlet Flow (GPM) 9,856 13,952 17,088 19,584 22,080 24,192 24,576 24,896 25,344 25,600 26,176 26,688 CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSION This report consists of the basic principle, the design and a performance study of the mixing educator. Chapter 1 is basically an introduction to the topic and summarizes the principle, applications, features and advantages of the educator. Chapter 2 summarizes the different types of educators used in the industries today. Chapter 3 shows the different custom made designs. Chapter 4 shows the types of coatings used on the educators and its advantages. Chapter 5 summarizes the designing of the educator. Its consists of the educators of different dimensions and their construction. Chapter 7 summarizes the guidelines for specifying the educator. Chapter 8 consists the mathematical model and the performance study. Tanks have used pumps without educators for solution mixing for years .Now with the usage of educators ,the efficiency has been increased .Educators reduce the energy consumption of the pumps motors and will allow a smaller and less expensive pump to be used to perform the same job CHAPTER 10 REFRENCES Robert D. Blevins, Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook, 1984. Crane Co., Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipe, 1988 J. R. Lawson, Educator Testing for Waste Dilution, Dec. 28, 1981. Otis, R. H., Preliminary Design Study for an Enhanced Mixing Educator for Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems, Masters Thesis, Restricted Distribution, Naval Postgraduate School, March 1998. Stephen W. Dudar,Preliminary Design Study of an Enhanced Mixing Educator System for the LHA (R) Gas Turbine Exhaust  [Chapter 5]. Robert H. Perry, Cecil H. Chilton, Sidney D. Kirkpatrick, Chemical Engineers Handbook, Fourth Ehtion, 1963.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Famous Immigrant Entrepreneur from Pakistan in USA Essay

Edible Arrangements is a U. S. -based franchising business that specializes in fresh fruit arrangements, melding the concept of fruit baskets with design inspired by the floral business The company is headed by Tariq Farid, who partnered with his brothers to open the first Edible Arrangements store in Hamden, Connecticut in 1999. After designing the computer systems, training manuals, production and profitability tracking and supply chain management process, they began franchising the concept in 2001. As of 2008, the business had grown to more than 900 stores serving locations in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. In March 2008 Edible Arrangements was reported to have annual revenues of $195 million Netsolace Netsolace is a technology company that provides groundbreaking technology solutions for the franchise industry. For franchisors seeking the ultimate control over their businesses, both in terms of relationship management and operational efficiency, Netsolace offers a suite of proven software solutions that enables better monitoring, communications and data management at each stage of the franchise lifecycle. Our comprehensive suite of convenient and flexible web-based applications can be accessed from anywhere. They are designed to support both the franchisor and franchisee business needs and provide real time information for comprehensive data analysis and management reporting. To see how we can help you, please review our site or contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions and demonstrate how our solutions can help your business and its bottom line. Life History Tariq Farid was born near Lahore, Pakistan, in 1969, the oldest of six children of Glulam and Salma Farid. His father immigrated to the United States in the 1970s, working in Connecticut as a machinist. Tariq Farid arrived in the United States with the rest of the family in 1981, when he was 11 years old. As a teenager, Tariq mowed lawns and worked in a McDonald’s restaurant. In 1986, when he was 17, the family bought and began operating a flower shop in East Haven, Connecticut. While working in the family business, which expanded to additional locations, Tariq developed a computerized point of sale system for floral shops, and struck out on his own in 1991 in a business selling computer systems to flower retailers. Tariq launched the first Edible Arrangements ® store in 1999 in East Haven, Connecticut. He was inspired by the convergence of three trends: Americans’ growing consumption of fresh fruit, the robust growth in the specialty food market and the increasing amount of money Americans were spending on gifts. Edible Arrangements ® was named one of America’s fastest-growing privately held businesses in America by Inc. magazine and one of the top franchise systems in Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500. Tariq has four pending U. S. patents for proprietary fruit-cutting equipment that he designed. Achievements In 2009 Tariq was recognized as Entrepreneur of the Year by the International Franchise Association. IN 2009 Tariq was named the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year. He spoke at the 3rd Leadership Summit held by the council for the advancement of Muslim Professionals and at the Small Business Summit held by The New York Times. Tariq Farid was born in Pakistan in 1969 and immigrated to the United States at age 11. He grew up in West Haven, Connecticut and became a U. S. citizen in 1986. He developed the Salma K Farid Academy, a non-profit learning and community center, to honor the wishes of his late mother whom he credits as the inspiration for his success, and the Salma K Farid Foundation to provide for those in need Current Capital 700 Million Dollars His Interview Published in New York Time I WAS born in Pakistan and came to the United States in 1981, when I was 11. My grandfather owned a farm in Pakistan and we had been fairly well-to-do. We started at the bottom when we came here. My father found a job as a machinist during the day and worked at McDonald’s and Burger King at night. All five of my siblings pitched in. I delivered newspapers to 300 houses. Instead of putting the paper into the mailbox, I’d deliver it to the door. I got great tips. When I was 13, a flower shop hired me to water the flowers. Soon I was taking care of orders. By 16, I had learned a lot. One day my father found a flower shop for sale in the paper. The owner wanted $6,000. My dad asked me if I could run the shop, and I said sure. We got a cash advance and a loan from a friend. I thought I’d negotiate, and asked the owner what terms he was offering. He looked at me as if to say, â€Å"What can this kid possibly know? † We opened a week before Easter and earned about $50 a day. I stayed open until 7 p. m. , seven days a week, because few other flower shops did. I thought $350 a week was wonderful. Soon, sales doubled, and I was shocked. Five years later, we had three shops and were making close to $1 million a year. I said we needed to make more, about $5,000 a day. My mother asked me if I remembered when I was making $50 a day and she suggested that I relax. I told her that it never really ends, and that I could achieve that goal. It was a lot of work. I didn’t really have a social life. We stayed open on holidays. On my way to high school, I’d drop off my mother at the shop. She spoke no English, so I told her what to do to supervise the two employees. After school I’d make flower arrangements and deliver them myself until I could hire a driver. I attended college part-time, but I started weighing the benefit against what I was making. I decided to put off school, and I never finished. I was so young when I started a career that I blindly jumped into it. Edible Arrangements, which I started in 1999 with my brother, Kamran, goes back to our roots. In Pakistan, my father always brought home tons of fruit for us. When we started the company, we created basic fruit arrangements that included fresh pineapple, strawberries, cantaloupe and more, and later added extras like chocolate and cinnamon toppings. We got 30 orders the first day. We had learned from our flower stores, so this time did everything right. A stranger asked about opening a store, which gave us the idea to franchise them. I knew nothing about the franchise industry, so I contacted an association for the names of experts and found Michael Seid. He gave great advice. I’ve started several other companies. One is Frutation by Edible Arrangements, which includes salads and fruit drinks. They’re sold in Edible Arrangements stores and stand-alone stores. I also started Netsolace, which provides software for the franchise industry. Another, Berry Direct, offers containers, vases and other products to our Edible Arrangements franchisees and other companies. I just started the Farid Capital Corporation; a financing company that helps franchisees buy equipment. When I was starting out, I used to give my mother $50 a week. When I wanted to buy a building for our second Edible Arrangements location, I needed $40,000 more than I had. My mother had saved the money I gave her over the years and handed it back to me. She asked only that I do something in her name someday and give her $20,000 for my sister’s wedding. When my mother passed away in 2000, I started a foundation in her memory. The organization built a hospital in Pakistan for needy people and an Islamic school in the United States.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Nurses Notes Essay

Writing stays with you throughout your entire life, though you may not believe so. Hidden in your thoughts about your future career is the idea that writing will be part of your profession. After doing extensive research, I now realize how much writing will be involved with my chosen profession, a registered nurse. Writing in nursing can range from short, concise works to long, detailed, complex works. Writing as a nurse contains nurse’s notes, documentation, written reports, health records, flowcharts, care-plans, narratives, and if desired, professional journals for publication. The position within in the field also plays a role with the amount of writing needed to be done. The head of a department takes part in a lot more writing than a nurse. A head of a department holds a variety of duties when it comes to writing such as: staff proposals, budget proposals, department operations, policies and procedures, and protocols. A nurse must be able to follow the basic writing standards: writing clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences, use proper punctuation, and demonstrate critical thought. Nurses are also expected to learn how to present information succinctly with their work being accessible to anyone who may read it. Nurses aim to write work that can be used in both clinical aspects of discipline and research. The field of nursing requires a nurse to be able to write swiftly and accurately. Nurses must also always be prepared to define their recorded information and writing. Records must be clear, concise, complete and accurate. The clichà © that is universally known, the job is not complete until the paperwork is completed is more true in health care than in any other profession, referring to the fact that a lot of writing is done in this workforce. Types of Writing: Nursing as a profession contains many different types of writing. Nurse’s notes are records that nurses who directly care for the patient, continuously record information. This includes the patient’s symptoms, medications given, and scheduled procedures or activities. Documentation reflects the care the care the nurse has or has not provided to the patient. Documentation is the nurse’s only form of legal proof that they did or did not do something for the patient. Nurse’s look at documentation as important as the actual care they are providing for their patient. Hands-on care and documentation carries equal importance in the eyes of a registered nurse. Documentation then becomes art of the patient’s medical record after the patient is either discharged or no longer living. Written reports are needed when the care of a patient is given over to another nurse. I interviewed Sharon Doll, a registered nurse at Glendive Medical Center who states that these written reports are very rare. â€Å"It is highly unlikely that you as a registered nurse will have to give the care of your patient over to another nurse.† (Personal interview, November 23, 2012) Health records, or medical records, consist of the accumulation of nurse’s notes. The records are held on file at the hospital and are referred to when needed. Health records consist of prescriptions prescribed to the patient, x-ray results, test results, reports, blood type, allergies and other important information about the patient that the care providers may need to be aware of. Recently, health records have transferred to being electronic, taking away from the writing perspective. Assessment check-boxes go hand-in-hand with health records as well, which are the summary of the symptoms of the patient. Flowcharts simply show the process that has been taken while caring for patients. They show the sequence in which the patient has followed. This is a concise review of the patient’s history and the care that was provided. Care-plans outline the nursing care that is to be provided to the patient. It is a set of actions that the nurse will take to provide the necessary care for the patient in hopes of full recovery. A care-plan consists of three parts: definition of the problem, intervention and/or solutions, and the evaluation of success or intervention and/or solution. Many times, care-plans are set out by the doctor because the doctor is not as available as the nurse. Care-plans are usually completed day-by-day and sort of run on a schedule. Narratives are important in nursing communication and important in the aspect of capturing the patient’s history and also the treatment they received. Narratives use standard abbreviations, are not written in first person, instead they refer to themselves as â€Å"the nurse†, and finally, rely on the communication with others. Professional journals for publication are optional for nurses but are quite popular. Journals are a compiled of the nurse’s experience, clinical practices, and their theoretical approaches and/or opinions. Nurses write journals to inform their audience, primarily formed of nursing students. Nurse’s journals give other people a first-hand look at their point of view and their job. If a nurse rises to the head of a department, he/she will face more writing than that of a registered nurse. Staff proposals and budget proposals are simply directed within the department. A staff proposal consists of the duties of the staff and the expectations they are held to. Budget proposals consist of the budget throughout the department and how it will be distributed. Department operations are the operations the department can fulfill. These include the day-to-day functioning of the department. Policies and procedures review the policies by which the employees must follow and the procedures they take before handling care for a patient. Finally, protocols refer to the steps of the procedures and experiments that are conducted by the department. Reflection: Montana State University prepares students to be successful in their chosen field. MSU offers Writing 101 and also University Seminar that covers the writing aspect. I think the preparation of MSU for nursing students and writing is sufficient due to the fact that the majority of the junior year in the pre-nursing major simply consists of all nursing classes. These classes will also review all aspects of nursing, including the writing that a registered nurse will complete within the profession. Conclusion: Overall, I was unaware of all the writing that was needed in the profession of a registered nurse. I did not think that I would do more than simply taking nurse’s notes. With these findings, I am very grateful for the writing courses offered at Montana State University.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Is Beowulf A Hero, Brave, Or Selfless - 721 Words

Imagine that you are the hero of a village. You are the person that everyone looks up to- you have all the fame and fortune you could possibly want. But, this doesn’t just come to you on a silver platter. There are risks to take, challenges to overcome, and lives to be put at stake. You must defeat creatures of all sizes and strengths to gain this honorary title. This is Beowulf’s reality as he must conquer unbelievable tasks that nobody else would dare to face. Because of this, Beowulf is recognized as a boasting person, brave, and selfless; and rightfully so. With every hero comes accomplishments that they want others to know about. In other words, Beowulf blurts out his personal resume to show others that he is the bravest man alive.†¦show more content†¦This shows that Beowulf is still showing no signs of fear at the point where others would have run away. All in all, Beowulf is a very brave person that can succeed at almost anything he is faced with. Although boasting and bravery are strong qualities, you also need to have a little bit of a warm heart to be a hero. Beowulf is selfless, a important word to signify that he would do anything to protect others. The first quote to show of Beowulf’s selflessness is, â€Å"I mean to stand, not run from his shooting Flames, stand till fate decides Which of us wins.† (638-639). This means that Beowulf is standing his ground until fate takes its course, which is selfless because he is giving his life up if that is what fate decides in order to rid of the dragon. Another notable text from the book is, â€Å"A prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel. Ended the grief, the sorrow, the suffering forced on Hrothgars helpless people by a bloodthirsty fiend. No Dance doubted the Victory.† (404-408). It can clearly be inferred that the people of the land were in ‘grief’, ‘sorrow’ and were ‘suffering’ because of Grendel. But, because Beow ulf defeated him that grief and sorrow has been eased. Beowulf wants fame and fortune, but to also help the people who need it. Beowulf has done and said many things that that earned him the titles of boasting, selfless, and boasting. He has saved countlessShow MoreRelatedCompare And Contrast Sir Gawain And Beowulf930 Words   |  4 Pagessomething such as brave, noble, or selfless in the eyes of the people that are around them. All heroes have done something that has helped out for the good of another person, even if they are doing it for their own personal benefit. Heroes are those who have the strength and courage to solve a problem when it could or was not done by anyone else. Sir Gawain and Beowulf are heroes in literature who have done something important and have come to the rescue of others. Sir Gawain and Beowulf from these differentRead MoreThe Similarities Of An Epic Hero In Beowulf And Iron Man1183 Words   |  5 PagesPeople believe being a hero means saving the worl d, but that is not always true. 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Beowulf was a brave man that volunteered to fightRead MoreBeowulf : Characteristics Of An Epic Hero978 Words   |  4 Pages2Y English 12 20/11/17 Beowulf: Characteristics of an Epic Hero In Anglo-Saxon literature and culture, to be considered a hero was to also be considered a warrior/ soldier. To be a hero, you had to not only be strong but you also had to be smart, and have plenty of courage. These warriors were willing to face any type of trials and tribulations at any odd. These types of heroic warriors would fight to the death to obtain glory and save their people. The Anglo-Saxon hero needed to possess all ofRead MoreEpic Heroism Is Epitomized By The Anglo Saxon Warrior1487 Words   |  6 Pagesthe remarkable Anglo-Saxon warrior Beowulf, the protagonist of a powerful poem named for this exemplar. True to a legendary hero, Beowulf embodies qualities of virtue and strength that are unparalleled in the common man. His youth is characterized by awesome displays of physical strength, unmatched by others. Beyond his brawny, unyielding exterior, there exists a compilation of equally mighty virtues that endure and motivate him throughout his life. Beowulf is compe lled by loyalty, lineage andRead MoreBeowulf : The Epic Poem From The Anglo Saxon Period950 Words   |  4 PagesBeowulf, the longest epic poem from the Anglo-Saxon period, has a protagonist named Beowulf. A hero of the Geats and forthcoming king, the title character comes to the aid of Hrothgar, king of the Danes, whose kingdom was under attack by a monster known as Grendel. Both are great kings, wise and noble, but what truly makes a king great? Is it the accolades or honors that one receives or does it go beyond that? Two different cultures, two different men, but two great kings; Beowulf was describedRead MoreGrendel And Beowulf Comparison1192 Words   |  5 PagesDaddy like the hero Beowulf or the monster Grendel? The answer can be found by comparing my Daddy, Beowulf, and Grendel on their character, actions, and the impact they have on others. A persons character says a lot about them, in a way it is what defines them. Your character is what you are known for. Beowulf, a fictional hero in the epic poem, â€Å"Beowulf† is perceived to be a very noble, honorable, good man. No, man would not do justice, for he is a hero. A strong and courageous hero who stands by