Saturday, August 31, 2019

Acknowledgement for training

Praise to God for I undergo my industrial training that begins on early. Technologies India pet Ltd (l), I finally successfully completed my Industrial training. I also would like to extend my thankfulness to the most precious persons In my life, my father and mother for all their moral support. Its a great pleasure to present this report of Industrial training in partial fulfillment of B. Tech Mechanical Engineering from Pundit Adenoidal Petroleum university. I am entrusted to undergo my industrial training at SF for 6 weeks before I can omelet my subject course in order to graduate.During the 6 weeks of working here I am exposed to many new things which are very valuable for me to learn and carry out with devotion when I face the real world of working in the future. Undergoing for industrial training has become one of the curricular that college student compulsory to attend especially for those who studied at PDP. The motive of this action Is to expose students and let them experie nce the environment of the real world of working before graduating. For that I am heartily thankful to DRP. H. B. Regained who Is Director of School of Technology at Pendant Adenoidal Petroleum university.I realize that learning theoretical is never the same when it comes to practice. There are a lot more to master than Just learning from book. Acknowledgement for training By avatar's persons in my life, my father and mother for all their moral support. Its a great Mechanical Engineering from Pundit Adenoidal Petroleum University. To attend especially for those who studied at PDP. The motive of this action is to is Director of School of Technology at Pundit Adenoidal Petroleum University. Completion of this training was not possible. I feel very happy to say my deeply.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Conflict is rarely resolved

conflict is rarely resolved. ‘ War. It is ruthless, unforgiving and most of all, futile. Has war really ever truly resolved the issues at cause? Has there ever been a rightful winner in war? There has not and there most likely never will be. My name is Genevieve Stack; I'm Megan Stacks grandmother. I have had my fair share of confronting experiences; being at the fragile age of eighty-one, I know the truth behind war as in my earlier years, it is what surrounded the world. I have lived through some of the most devastating wars, the results never positive.I am here today to talk to you about my worry and concern for not only my granddaughter, but for all those who feel the strong urge and pull to be involved in such tragic and life-threatening events. Thousands of people are being killed daily. I remember the automatic pain in my stomach when I found out that Megan was going to be foreign correspondent in one of the most war torn countries in the world, Afghanistan. Though I tri ed to warn her consistently of the dangers, she insisted and off she went on her wild adventure, which would make any relatives stomach churn.As the anxiety wore off, I began to realize how so much heartache and fear is brought to countries, yet not a single matter is resolved by the end. War consistently fuels more and more conflict each and everyday, innocent civilians having their life taken away from them for no reason at all. When we look back at previous hardships through war that not only America but also many around the world experienced when I was Just a young girl, we begin to see a pattern; no worthy resolution evident. If we take a look at World War two for example; what good was done?Still today, we re faced with constant memories of fear and images the horrid extremities war had to offer to those involved. The problem is, we are all involved, and there are no bystanders. War, Just like a circle, goes round and round, always ending up at the same destination. The confli ct right at the stem of war is never ultimately demolished; the severity of it only increases. With this notion, watching my granddaughter make her way to Afghanistan was one of the most difficult, heart- wrenching memories I hold still today.Whilst I knew she was capable enough to look after herself, I saw her as one of my own which only deepened the emotions once she had left the devastated America following the attack on the trade center in New York. America was left truly broken and so was my heart when I watched her walk into the terrible circumstances undergoing in Afghanistan, ones, which she was not fully aware of, her naivety quite prominent and the time. She was not carrying the same mentality, as I would have hoped, her strong sense of ambition and love for work and an adventure taking the wheel, steering her into what I considered to be a â€Å"death sis†.Nobody in our family had ever done such a thing or gone on such a venture. Whilst Megan thoroughly agreed with my views on war terrors, she had not lived them as I had, this working to her disadvantage when it came to Judging her upcoming experiences and the graphic images she would face. I was at the tender age of six when World War 2 erupted, every human being around the world being filled with emotions of fear and an immense amount of distress.I remember listening to the news on the radio at night, clinging to my parents, as the choice vibrating through the speaker would say things such as â€Å"bombings in London†, leaving civilians frightened for their lives, as they could be next. No young girl at aged six should have to hear such a thing. I guess my point is that I have lived through a war; many in fact and wish to educate not only my granddaughter but further enlighten others, my main point of view expressing that conflict is rarely resolved. Megan, having been away from home for a few months now, regularly writes to her mother and l.With broad descriptions of the visuals rig ht in front of her eyes, it is official to not worry as much as I do as she speaks of running off adrenaline, the fear of having your life violently taken away from you in an instant present in her thoughts and her daily life; something a twenty five year old should not be enduring. Too many people have the tendency to intervene in times of conflict, thinking it will bring about change or bring about a resolution at a quicker pace, but this is nowhere near the true reality of war.I acknowledge that there is what society considers being the â€Å"winners† and â€Å"losers† of war, all of which is commonly decided once one party demolishes the majority of its enemy's men, causing their opponent to surrender. This, however, is not like a sport where the other team accepts their loss and moves on. This only allows the â€Å"loser† to hold a severe grudge against their opponent and their need for revenge to increase. Let's look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an example; a battle that arose simply because of Zionist movement which started with a group of secular European Jews to establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.This conflict has been existent for ever ninety years and a resolution is something, which the world does not foresee. This is the reason why I fear for my granddaughter's life. The severity of the conflict between the Jewish and Palestinians has been significantly increasing, which additionally means the actions from one party towards the other becomes more severe. Megan being in amongst the unsafe environment only worsens my anxiety, as the circumstances are life-threatening, wars whose end is not near. The worst part is that she does not seem worried at all or concerned for how careful she will have to e.I felt as if she was not prepared to delve into a world where the images are far more graphic than any movie she may of seen or anything on a prime time news program. War is unforgiving. War is futile. There is no happy ending in war nor is there a resolution. The conflict between two parties will always be prominent and existent, even once a war has ended and the â€Å"winner† has been declared, the fueling and never ending hatred for one another is still present. As Mean's grandmother, I hope she gains the knowledge required to remain safe as she pursues this venture.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dirk Van der Elst’s “Culture as Given, Culture as Choice” Essay

In this text, anthropologists Dirk Van Der Elst and Paul Bohanan discuss the concept of multiculturalism. The text states that an entirely different view of culture is needed in the intellectual discourse of society. Elst analyzes culture using the example of analyzing sex. Elst makes it clear in his analysis that pluralities of identity are the norm, that everyone is multi-ethnic and multi-racial in some fashion Even when discussing the contemporary mainstream political debate over what constitutes ‘multiculturalism,’ it is common cultural phrasing to view culture as a stagnant unit. Multiculturalism is defined in this text as the manner in which more cultures are incorporated into the framework of the dominant discourse., rather than being a way of deconstructing notions of how culture itself is perceived and misperceived.. Elst suggests that nothing really exists as ‘culture,’ instead culture itself is a â€Å"constructed, socially produced norm.† After reading this book I got the feeling that the authors purpose was mainly to advise each individual to study and redefine his own culture. So with that said, I dug down deep and asked myself, what does culture mean to me? And how does culture influence my person, political and social life? The book says that culture means â€Å"everything that human beings have created and transmitted socially across time and space (32).† He also states on page 33 that people are said to â€Å"carry† culture, to bear it from one person or generation to another.† My parents passed their culture on to me, and I will do the same for my children. I was raised a Roman Catholic, and in my family, our heritage plays a huge part. My Irish culture gives me a sense of pride. My parents started me in step dancing when I was five and I loved it. Saint Patty’s Day is bigger than Christmas in my family. We like to talk, we like to tell stories, and we like to drink, of course. But as much as I identify myself with being an American, a woman, a twenty something, elementary education major at Rowan University, or even a Catholic, I  identify with being Irish more. Like I said, I grew up in my heritage, much in the same way many people may have grown up in theirs. My culture has always been a big part of my personal life, but I never really paid much attention as to how it affected my political and social life. As far as my social life goes, I do not associate only with other Irish people. I have a very culturally diverse group of friends. I think that this also adds to who I am. I consider myself to be well rounded and open to many things and ideas. However, my fiancà © is an Irish catholic, and when I think about it, most of my exes were Irish Catholics too. I couldn’t tell you if I choose a partner consciously or not. It could be due to the fact that we have common interests, like drinking. Politics does not interest me at all. So with that said, at this moment my culture does not affect my political life because I don’t have one. Perhaps what is most unique about this book is that it moves cultural anthropology from being this subject of strange behavior that is out there by others and makes it close and personal by repeatedly challenging the reader to use anthropology to identify with and appreciate ones self and ones own choices. It is a clear statement of why people should study anthropology. Mainly, in my own opinion, it makes you think and that is what is most important when you read.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Child Physical Performance The Concept of Motor Development Essay

Child Physical Performance The Concept of Motor Development - Essay Example Whatever the case, it is apparent that some specific motor habits and activities are expected of children between a certain age group, that is surely linked with their expected neuromotor development. Expected Activities: the age group under consideration for studying the link between neuromotor development and movement mechanics in humans has been from children of ages 5 to 12. The basic neurological functions have by now developed enough in children between these age limits to enable them to perform certain activities that are universal in this context and form the basis of the study of movement science. Any abnormalities can then be examined easily as we already have the established and the expected activity range for these children. The method of data collection may differ among the scientists, but it is unanimously agreed that there are a total of eleven basic activities that should be performed by children of this age group. These activities are known as fundamental motor skills (NSW 1997), and they form the basis of all the other and more advanced activities that an individual performs later in his life (NSW 1997). Six of these activities would be discussed in this paper. The first among those activities is running. Through studies it has been established that among both boys and girls, this skill is expected to be mastered by the age of 10, however, if any child has not learned to perform it properly till the age of 6, it is unlikely that he or she would learn to do so ever in the future (NSW 1997). Running is one of the most common fundamental skills performed by children in this age group. The skill of kicking has shown to increase and improve drastically with age, from the limit of 5 to the limit of 12, with much more boys performing the skill than girls, and the general trend of increased proportions in the learning of this skill, too, had a steeper gradient among boys than among girls (NSW 1997). This trend in itself reflects upon the differences in the physical activities expected of boys from girls based clearly upon the differences between their physical make up and neuro-muscular development. Behavioral traits and differences might come into play here, too. The skill of the catch is expected almost at an equal level and statistical proportions from both the boys and the girls in the towards the lower limit of the age group under study, however, with the advancement of age towards the upper limit, there is a marked increase in the number of boys who can perform it as compared to the number of girls who can perform it at the same age limit, and even the ratio of increasing skill acquisition of the catch among the boys with age is much higher than

Response to at least 3 student's postings with 2 references each Coursework

Response to at least 3 student's postings with 2 references each - Coursework Example Nancy’s post compares democracies in the United States and in Australia, identifying similarity in their governmental structures and administrative organization into states. It however identifies the Australian system as a constitutional monarch and the United States’ as a federal republic. I agree with Nancy’s post on federalism and people’s sovereignty in the American system as entrenched in the nation’s constitution (Wilson, Diiulio and Bose, 2012). Similarly, the writer’s idea of federalism and monarchy in Australia is valid (Robbers, 2006). Alfred explores Panama’s government system with the aim of demonstrating its level of democracy. The post further discusses similarities and differences between the system and the United States’ such as similar branches of government and roles of presidents. It however reflects differences in the nation’s legislature. I agree with Alfred’s post on the American bicameral legislative system (Wilson, 2011). The writer’s post on panama’s reliance on United States policies is also supported by the American historical involvement in Panama’s governance that indicates a significant degree of democracy in Panama (Harding,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International Human Resources Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Human Resources - Term Paper Example Other international human resource trends include global recruitment, benefits and compensation when an employee falls sick gives birth or is faced with tragedy such may include maternity leave and extended vacations. International human resource trends are activities taken by a company or an organization to make it utilize human resource more effectively (Parry, 2013). These activities are geared towards improving human resource performance through education and training. For any sustainable and competitive business in the international arena, there is need for a competitive educated and skilled workforce. With the internationalization of business, many companies are conducting their business in other countries and this is due to the rising demand of goods in other parts of the world (Parry, 2013). A successful business needs the ability to market products overseas and this has requires the company’s workforce to get the right skills needed for the prosperity of the organizat ion. Such training may require the company to send their workforce to further their business and technical skills in a foreign country, which has better training facilities (Maclean and Wilson, 2009). Further education and training of employees in a foreign country as a global human resource trend has both positive and negative effects to the present and future workforce alike (Vaidya, 2006). Human resource training in a foreign country will mean one has to study not only the technical skills but also the culture of the foreign country. The study of other peoples’ culture will promote interpersonal skills, which is important in the world of business (Unesco and the international social science council, 2010). Accepting other peoples’ culture will promote good relations between the world’s diverse cultures and races hence fostering trade and exploitation of the world’s market. However, further training of employees in foreign countries with better technica l skills has increasingly exposed the employees to racial discrimination and cultural shock (Parry, 2013). This has made the workforce return to their home countries with low-self esteem and ethnocentrism in other countries has made them undermine or denounce their culture as uncivilized. This has greatly reduced their performance in the organization. Training an organization’s employees in a foreign country encourages the mastery foreign languages (Maclean and Wilson, 2009). This will be of benefit to the individual and the organization since language is an important factor in sales and marketing. With globalization, the knowledge of the language of a foreign country in which the organization intends to open its branch promotes understanding between the foreign country and the foreign investor, which is the company in this case (Vaidya, 2006). The experience also makes one familiar with the environment in which the organization may have opened its branches. In some instances , further training of an organization’s workforce in a foreign country has exposed the employees to unfavorable change in climatic conditions (Unesco and the international social council, 2010). The harsh climate has made some of workforce who had travelled to a foreign country for further studies develop health complications such as pneumonia and malaria which has cost the lives of some employees hence making the company lose both the employees and

Monday, August 26, 2019

English Language Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

English Language Teaching - Essay Example These factors also play a very pivotal role in determining the standing of children and hence influence the designing of the different courses that need to be prepared for children (Hamachek. 1999). It is also important to mention here that the children enrolling this course learn English as a foreign language; it becomes almost mandatory to design programs through the help of which they can acquire greater understanding of grammar and pronunciation principles and features to enhance their skills in the language. English, a language spoken frequently throughout the world has become an important element to learn (Crystal. 2003). It is with this importance that even studies and the workplace environment globally lay special emphasis towards learning this language as a basic source of communication that would then be used in normal day to day activities. (McGuiness. 2004) For those in the area of learning or fresh starters looking to give a start to their career by using this language a s a main or secondary source of contact, there are many assessment courses kick off a start for an individual’s English learning. Either to easily grade themselves as to how well they speak or if not then how quickly can they capitalise over this much needed skill that is the communication skill (Lafayette. 1993). Lesson Plan 1 One of the most rudimentary characteristics that need to be fostered and subsequently cultured within students who are learning English as their foreign language is to make them realise the importance of reading and the level of understanding that they can obtain from adopting the habit of reading. One key advantage that will be obtained from this habit is that students will be able... From the beginning, the Chinese students especially enjoyed the freedom to work on this lesson plan. They realised that this communication also requires work. Some have even found they had more work than before. But it is they themselves who requested this work, the detailed vocabulary, grammar, accurate, complicated sentences. The lesson plan helped them to reuse what they had already learned. The student could choose the topic of discussion according to several criteria. They could ignore the themes that do not attract them. Students wanted to know how the others had contributed to the discussion on the topics they had chosen themselves. In other cases, they chose according to the country of origin and read all the contributions of one class over all the topics because they had the same level of language and were therefore understandable. The language level has proved a very important criterion for selection. The topics which are too long and difficult discouraged some students who did not even want to try. Every student could work alone or with a friend, use the dictionary, seek advice from teachers, sometimes even abandoning the text to take another. By repeating the most effective strategies he developed strategic competence needed to learn not only a foreign language, but learning in general.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Influenza in Elderly Aged 65 years and above Essay

Influenza in Elderly Aged 65 years and above - Essay Example Therefore, the effective measure for preventing this communicable disease is to offer influenza vaccinations to ageing people. Influenza is a public health issue because it is an acute viral infection, which can spread from one individual to another, and it circulates across the globe and can affect many aging people at a higher rate. According to the WHO report, global influenza epidemics result to 3 to 5 million of severe cases yearly and this contributes to death rates of approximately 500, 000 deaths where the majority are the ageing people of 65 years and above (Ryu, Kim, Park and Park (2011 p. 4197). Influenza causes annual epidemics and the winter seasons or temperate areas are the peak seasons for influenza. This illness can take economic toll because of heavy expenditure on provision of healthcare services not only to the aging population but also to children who are dependent. The essay explores the determinants of influenza in aging people and analyzes the inequalities, as well as, policies that impact on the public health issue. Determinants Of Influenza In Adults Age 65 Years Old And Above Ageing people are at higher risks for many vaccine preventable illnesses because this illness contributes to high morbidity and mortality rates. Influenza and pneumonia in adults are among the 8th leading cause for increased death rates among the aging people across the globe (DH 2009, p. 5). Many aging people die while others get admitted in hospitals due to complications of influenza disease. The determinant of health covers all the risk factors that may pose an individual to influenza. Social issues are among influenza determinants among the elderly populations across the globe. The research carried out revealed that social determinants such as gender, ethnicity, social-economic status, cultural beliefs and values were among the determinants of influenza in adults (Nagata (2013, p. 88). The behavioral beliefs, affordability, education or attitudes about the va ccine are also significant determinants of flu vaccine. Vaccination gains influenza virus is vital because it is one of the best methods of preventing unnecessary hospitalizations and premature death rates to elderly people. Another influenza determinant is the health care provisions among the elderly population. Since the beginning of the 20th century, timely and efficient intervention methods have been significant contributing factors for the decline of morality rates from influenza disease and other associated diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease (Merrill 2010, p. 57). The health of aging population is influenced by varied factors including the past and present behaviors, as well as, health care provisions. There is an immense dissimilarity among the health inequalities and health determinants. The primary causes for health are frequently summed up in the slogan of dealing with the determinants for wellbeing and health inequalities. The health inequalities are tackl ed under the policy implementation whereby the government focuses on distribution of equal health care services to all population. Focusing on the determinant of healthcare inequalities is vital because this is one of the increased causes for widespread influenza disease. Education factor is among the social determinants of influenza and it is linked to learning disabilities for adults. The research study carried out revea

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Credit Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Credit Risk - Essay Example There has to be experience to scrutinize all the credit information and interpret the same. However good the analyses may have been, the bank will be in no position to distinguish a good borrower from a bad borrower, who has no intention of repaying the loan. Despite all the caution, bad loans do creep into the banks accounts. Thus, evaluation and pricing decisions should be followed up with periodic review of the account and the credit rating of the borrower. Any fall in the rating will increase the credit risk. Credit risks persist from the time the loan is granted throughout its life period and continuous review during this period will help in the early detection of the problem loans. The above information is for monitoring the credit risk exposure at a micro level. If a broader outlook of the credit risk exposure and its position is to be determined, then a macro level approach has to be adopted. This is made possible through the use of the Capital Adequacy Ration (CAR). The capital adequacy of a bank, which is the ratio of its capital to its risk weighted assets (RWAs), provides information about the extent to which the possible losses can be absorbed by the capital. Normally, the ultimate defense against credit risk that a bank possesses will be its equity capital or net worth. If from an earnings position, it turns out into an operating losses position, it would be the equity capital account that absorbs such losses, thereby giving management time to reach to the situation. Therefore, it can be said that the higher the CAR the better it is for the financial institution. The main aim of the credit policy of a bank will be to screen out the best proposals for acceptance. The Capital Adequacy rate provides a benchmark for monitoring the risk level considering the total assets of the company. Commercial banks provide capital market related services, depository services, advises on portfolio management or investment counseling, etc. Many banks have now started offering investment services to the retail customer, which is essentially advice and execution of mutual fund investments and redemptions. CAPITAL MARKET PRODUCTS Advice on debt and equity is restricted primarily to new issues, with secondary market investments being discouraged. There are no charges for this service; in fact, customers are paid incentives/commissions for investing through them. The bank essentially gets its income from the mutual fund/broker directly and also cross-sells other banking products. Arbitrage, stock lending are products, which are beyond traditional asset management but still many banks are offering them to retain their customers ((ICMR), Commercial Banking, 2003). Portfolio Management Services offered by banks can be differentiated into discretionary and non-discretionary services. Discretionary portfolio management allows the portfolio manager to take investment decisions on behalf of his/her clients within the broad parameters of asset allocation. Non-discretionary services of the type provided by banks essentially mean that the client has to authorize, every transaction done on his/her behalf. The non-discretionary services offered by a banker can be listed as follows: Advisory services - Flexible, unbiased

Friday, August 23, 2019

Journal Entry One Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal Entry One - Assignment Example An ethical culture is cultivated where the leaders behave in an ethical manner as the other staffs follow that as they are also rewarded. The Enron and Tyco scandals shows that un-ethical practices, lack of leadership, and financially corruption are the three reasons that lead to the collapse of the these giants that had been in operation and doing good business over the years. These two companies did not have effective compliance and ethics program since these scandals took long to be unearthed and this shows they did not have proper follow-ups for the leadership and also those staff that knew about it did not take it upon them to disclose them. A few months ago I worked for a company that did not follow the guidelines since the stated organisation ethics were only written and were openly seen to be followed even by the management since mistakes were committed but no due process was followed to punish the offenders. This gave a chance to all staff to do as they wished. Ellen, V. V., & Ascalon, E. (2008). The role and impact of leadership development in supporting ethical action in organisations. The Journal of Management Development, 27(2), 187-195. doi:

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Alvin Ailey Contextualisation Essay Example for Free

Alvin Ailey Contextualisation Essay Ailey used his culture and many childhood memories to base his choreography on. Church and worship played a huge role in the lives of black Americans and was the center of Ailey’s community. â€Å"The exuberance and poignancy of the black experience are well served in Aileys splendid. â€Å"The church was always very important, very theatrical, very intense. The life that went on there and the music made a great impression on me. † (A. P Bailey 1997 pg. 8) He grew up in Texas in the 1930s with both racial segregation and the economy being big problems of the time. â€Å"Black lives were as peaceful and secure as racism and poverty would allow. (Dunning, 1996) â€Å"In those days black people were forced into certain sections of the town†¦you couldn’t buy a house in other sections of the town, so you had to go to schools that were essentially segregated’’. In spite of the miserable living conditions   Ailey’s community and others alike were joyful in church and the drew drop inn which was where all the adults used to go on Saturday nights to dance to the blaring juke box. The dew drop inn was a rough place to be. My mother was in there, and everybody was doing what they considered to be the nasty dances†¦many of the same people who went to dew drop inn on a Saturday night went to church on a Sunday morning. In dance I deal with these two very different worlds: Blues suite and revelations. † (A. P Bailey 1997 pg23) At the age of 12 Ailey joined his mother in Los Angeles where she was to work as cleaner for a wealthy white family â€Å"I remember very well seeing my mother on her knees scrubbing these white folks’ rooms and halls. That image is in my ballet cry† (A. P Bailey 1997pg32) Here he experienced the theatre and heard the music of Duke Ellington for the first time, who’s music he later came to create a total of 14 dances to. Including The River’ â€Å"The River is a legendary collaboration between Ailey and Ellington was Ellingtons first symphonic score written specifically for dance†¦The legendary and highly acclaimed collaboration mirrors together the art forms beautifully. (http://www. exploredance. com/article. htm? id=1635) Creations of Two Masterful Artists, Alvin Ailey and Duke Ellington by Amber Henrie December 28, 2006. It was not until the 1940s that Ailey took a serious interest in dance, seeing the Dunham Company perform excited him in a way that nothing ever had before. Proving it to be a transcendent experience for him, he felt a connection with her and her dancers and was ‘lifted into another realm. I couldn’t believe there were black people on a legitimate stage†¦before largely white audiences†¦doing afro-Caribbean. Lester Horton not only inspired Ailey with his stylized technique and incredibly expressive movement but also in the way he offered his students a ‘complete education’ teaching them how to participate in all aspects of production from lighting and reading music to choosing the correct fabric for performances â€Å"He knew every fabric in the world and was extremely knowledgeable about color, design, dyeing and tailoring†¦I am still guided by Lester’s insistence that costumes must be made from extraordinary fabric† (A.P Bailey 1997 pg. 63) The Horton Technique focus’ on movements that lengthen the spine and the hamstring muscles with flat backs, lateral stretches, descending and ascending from the floor into horizontal positions, release swings, leg swings and deep lunges all of which appear in Ailey’s works regularly. Lester Horton has proved to be Ailey’s biggest influence; the similarities between the 2 choreographers are due to Ailey’s awe of Horton, his works and his attitude. As he just as Martha Graham had, had a mixed racial company â€Å"He realized that you have to use the best dancers regardless of color† (A. P Bailey 1997 Pg. 60) All of the above stylistic features are seen in works of Ailey’s such as Revelations, Cry and Witness to name a few. Each using deep plies and stunning lines to create interesting and meaningful viewing, using a combination of modern dance with jazz and classical ballet. Each with a meaning and a message to its audiences worldwide. Ailey (cited by De Frantz) said From his roots as a slave, the American Negro – sometimes sorrowing, sometimes jubilant, but always hopeful – has created a legacy†¦ which have touched, illuminated and influenced the most remote preserves of world civilisation We bring you the exuberance of jazz, the ecstasy of his spirituals and the dark rapture of his blues. † Yet while Ailey drew lots of his choreography from his ‘blood memories’ he did create plot less works too, making more use of ballet technique which can be seen in Streams. After Lester Horton’s death, Ailey founded his own company and had great success that still lives to this day; he and his company toured worldwide and were awarded with numerous honours before settling In New York. Yet Thomas F DeFrantz (2004) said the unasked question, implicit in dozens of feature articles and reviews, seemed to be: how could a gay black man from dirt-poor. Rural, depression-era Texas, with limited dance training and no college degree found and run the most successful modern dance company in the idiom’s history?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Adderall Abuse and Doctor Awareness Essay Example for Free

Adderall Abuse and Doctor Awareness Essay Adderall is used in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, but has been abused in many circumstances. ADHD has been known to produce certain symptoms, which can have serious negative effects. Adderall helps in the reduction of these symptoms. However, the addictive nature of Adderall has made it one of the most abused medications without prescriptions from medical practitioners. Adderall has, nevertheless, been used effectively as attention stimulant that helps the patients to perform well throughout the day (Helms, 1476). It is, therefore, only important that awareness on the use of Adderall in persons with ADHD be increased in order to maximize the positive effects of the psycho-stimulant treatment as opposed to its negative effects. The use of Adderall in ADHD Methylphenidate has often been used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. However, many of the scientific research and studies have placed Adderall above methylphenidate in order of efficacy. Adderall, when used by persons with ADHD, it is more efficacious and lasts relatively longer in stimulating the persons’ attention (Joan and Davis 56). Further, it is more effective when applied in small doses than when used excessively. This is one of the issues that bring a point of concern in as far as Adderall abuse is concerned. Its excessive use is not what makes it effective, but rather; it only creates more side effects. Adderall is more efficient in psycho-stimulation due to the fact that it has the ability to increase the dopamine levels while preventing the re-uptake of the same (Joan and Davis 58). See more: Sleep Deprivation Problem Solution Speech Essay Side effects of Adderall and Public Awareness Despite the positive effects that Adderall has in psycho stimulation, it also, like other treatment, poses serious and adverse negative effects; the perfect reason why it is important to undertake an intensive awareness on the use of Adderall in the treatment of ADHD. Some of the most adverse side effects that require effective medical response include rapid and uneven heartbeat, light-headedness, which may result in fainting, where there is high blood pressure that causes problems like unsettled concentration, and where the user feels restless and finds it extremely difficult to concentrate (Helms, 1476). Blurred vision and severe headache, excessive discomfort at the chest due to severe chest pains, seizure and numbness are also among some of the adverse side effects of Adderall treatment of ADHD. Insomnia, diarrhoea and constipation, appetite loss and weight loss, loss of sex drive and impotence, dizziness and headache are also some of the side effects although they are a bit mild (Donatelle 232). Despite all these Adderall use related side effects, it is important to note that often, people have over-used the treatment. It has been identified to be addictive hence increasing the chances of its abuse. Just like other treatments, excessive use of Adderall does not help treat ADHD. In fact, it only makes the disorder worse by creating after use problems like troubled concentration, diarrhoea, dizziness, and headache. Instead of stimulating concentration, it only succeeds in creating more attention problems when used in excess (Andrews, et al, 226). Scientific studies have shown that the use of Adderall by pregnant women is extremely dangerous to the unborn child. The rats used in one of the studies indicated that there exist long-term behavioural and neurological changes hat emanates from prenatal and early postnatal amphetamine exposure (Grilly 101). It has also been established that there are chances of low birth weight or even premature birth and the baby may show withdrawal symptoms if the mother used Adderall during pregnancy most especially when she abused the medication. In fact, sudden deaths of children have been linked with the use of Adderall treatment drugs. Consequently, in some nations, the government has made an initiative to highly control the sale of the drugs (Grilly 101). More studies were have also been commissioned to establish the effects of Adderall treatments. They have indicated that there are high risks of a patient developing cardiac defects resulting from the use of Adderall drugs (Donatelle, 232). The rate of heart beat is increased and consequently the blood pressure, when drugs of amphetamine category such as Adderall are used in the treatment of any disorder or disease. The situation gets worse when overused. However, Adderall drugs are only more dangerous when used in a way not prescribed by certified physicians or when administered in response to addiction demands (Moore, 54). Caution is also given to patients with pre-existing mental or cardiac illness since the drug has the ability of aggravating the situation. Persons with a history of drug abuse are also advised not to use Adderall, but may resort to other medical options that respond to the same problem of ADHD. This is due to the addiction nature of Adderall that makes it possible for people to abuse (Donatelle, 232). The above mentioned issues evidently illustrate that the use of Adderall has side effects; something that is shared by a number of treatment compounds. However, when used in small doses, it is more effective in stimulating one’s attention in the process of combating attention deficit. Excessive use of Adderall is extremely harmful to one’s body given the fact that it produces many side effects that in the end override the intended benefits and functions (Grilly, 343). It is, therefore, advisable for the doctors to undertake close and effective observation of their patients to ensure that there is no abuse. Prescriptions should be normal and standard taking into consideration the action of the drug in the body and the half-life of the different strains of Adderall used. It is medically unethical for doctors to provide prescriptions without confirming the status of the patient’s body. Medical examination to identify the pulse rate is necessary. In addition, medical history of the patient with relation to mental illness, cardiac problems or drug abuse or addiction is of primary importance before making a decision of putting persons with ADHD in Adderall treatment (Andrews, et al, 226). Awareness of the drug use should be enhanced most specially in colleges and universities where students have in many cases used Adderall as study drugs to make them stay awake for long periods without sleep as they study. This academic use of Adderall has contributed immensely to its overuse and addiction thereby affecting many users negatively without them realizing it. The use of Adderall has also been identified in sports to an extent that many spots organizations banned the use of the drugs by athletes without any confirmed practitioners prescriptions. It is used as a performance enhancing substance, which is against the sporting policies (Andrews, et al, 226). Adderall has also in the past been used as recreational substance due to its stimulant nature. Some people crush and snort it while others mix it with water in order to use it as injections. Some people use it together with alcohol in order to achieve high level recreation (Moore, 54). The above mentioned different uses of Adderall indicate the extent to which the drug is abused. Awareness is thus important in order to make people understand that it is only meant for the treatment of ADHD, which should also be done in small doses. In order to reinforce the effective use of Adderall, majorly for the stimulation of attention in people with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, the government ought to legislate against over-the-counter sale of the drug. It should only be made available in hospitals where patients are given after the certification and prescription by the doctors, which should be followed by proper medical examination. Persons found selling the drugs to people who are not prescribed for should be prosecuted (Andrews, et al, 226). The problem that faces the administration of Adderall is that there is not a single standardized dosage because adjustments are allowed according to the patients’ therapeutic needs. However, it is important to consider the fact that Adderall must only be administered in lower dosages despite the adjustments. First and foremost, it is absolutely not recommended for persons or children under the age of 3 years old. Between 3 and 5 years old, the dosage should be 2.5 mg daily with recommended increase of 2.5 mg on weekly intervals. For 6 or more years old children, it is advisable to start them on a 5 mg once or twice a day with increments of the same at weekly intervals on daily basis. The drug administration at all ages should be stopped whenever optimal response is achieved (Grilly, 343). Conclusion Adderall is effective in the treatment of ADHD, but must be ethically administered. Doctors should prescribe the medication after undertaking detailed medical examination in order to identify whether the patient qualifies for the use of the drug. It must be used only for therapeutic roles only without disposing the drugs for non-therapeutic use. In order to reinforce the awareness, governments should intervene and pass legislations that control the sale and use of the drug.

Stanley Kubrick’s Movie ”Full Metal Jacket” Analysis

Stanley Kubrick’s Movie †Full Metal Jacket† Analysis Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Background Section 3: Main Section 4: Conclusion Section 4: Bibliography Section 1: Introduction There were always a lot of different wars going on and even more war stories written down. These stories are usually very complicated and involve many characters, feelings and struggles. They show the war from different sides, describing the moments of intense battle as much as moments of soldiers’ soul torments. War stories mostly include different combats, a dramatic plot, sometimes a love line, and almost always an emotional finale. Some of these stories are quite positive and have happy endings; others try to show the real war. The director Stanley Kubrick also made a war story and named it â€Å"Full Metal Jacket†. This story turned out to be very unconventional and unusual, because it follows the mental development of the soldiers and their emotions rather than concentrating on the war itself. Kubrick’s movie observes the marines’ motivations, relationships between each other and their attitude to the war. The motive for fighting is a very important part of any war story. People have very different reasons for a war, such as money, freedom, territory, power and so on. Mostly characters in war stories clearly define their goals in the battle, and the reasons for them to be there. They ask themselves why they fight, think about their life before they got where they are, and examine their feelings and motives for continuing, although â€Å"Full Metal Jacket† leaves motives of the soldiers uncertain. That brings the audience to the question: Are there any reasons for these soldiers to fight or the deaths of their friends were vain? Maybe the war was completely meaningless from very beginning? Section 2: Background The film â€Å"Full Metal Jacket† follows a Marine reporter nicknamed Joker through his initiation into Marine boot camp and his involvement in the Vietnam War which lasts from December 1956 up to 30 April 1975. Although the reasons for Vietnam War start appearing much earlier. The situation becomes tense in the time when Indochina is still a French Colony. Different nationalistic groups come together with communist Ho Chi Minh to overthrow the French rule and become independent. So they start First Indochina war, and in 1954 France suffers a major military defeat. Signed in 1954 Geneva Accords ends French rule and United Nations divide Indochina into Laos, Cambodia, North Vietnam, which was ruled by communists, and democratic South Vietnam. Nationalists’ forces want to unify Vietnam under the communist government and start the war which is now known as a Vietnam War. In the same time America tries to prevent the spread of communism through the world. They believed in domino theory which held that if a country goes communist the neighboring countries are likely to go communist also. So US feel that if they stop communism from taking South Vietnam it will also keep other countries from it. So they support South Vietnam in the war. On the time period from 1965 until 1972 the Vietnam War keeps escalating. US send to the war about a half a million of their troops. America is very close to victory, but North Vietnamese army succeeds in breaking the will of the American People. Their military does not know what are they fighting for anymore and does not want to sacrifice their lives. And as the war goes on, the cost in blood seems to be extreme and worthless, so in 1972 US signs valueless peace agreement with North Vietnam which allows the retreating of American forces. But the armed conflict in Vietnam continues and in a few years in 1975 the North Vietnam takes up South Vietnam. Defeat of South Vietnam causes a massive genocide in Southern Asia resulting in the death of millions, while America suffers major political loss.[1] The movie â€Å"Full Metal Jacket† is a war story about that part of history, about the Vietnam War. It was directed in 1987 and is based on Gustav Hasfords semi-autobiographical novel â€Å"The Short-Timers†. [2] The author of the book, Gustav Hasford, was a US Marine Corps veteran and went through a Vietnam War; his experience and his feelings on this war formed the basis of his book and therefore the movie.[3] Section 3: Main The story of the movie begins the United States Marine Corps Training Camp. A group of young recruits are having their heads shaved and being prepared for military basic training by their new senior drill instructor, brutal Gunnery Sergeant called Hartman, whose work is to weed out all non-hackers[4]. During the training the sergeant often degrades each recruit; he uses many different psychological attacks such as repeated chants in training or insulting their masculinity (calling them sweethearts or ladies). He also gives certain men a ridiculous nickname based on their actions or characters: the pragmatic man who talks behind his back got a name Joker[5], a man from Texas became a Cowboy[6] and finally, Leonard Lawrence, an over-weighed, tall, not intelligent recruit becomes Private Gomer Pyle[7]. Hartman focus his attention on him, because the corpulent recruit cannot keep up with the others in the grueling trainings. The viewer can observe a slow dehumanization of recruits that occurs during the training. American boys are humiliated and worked to death. Finally they become totally broken and reconstructed as the perfect marines; they are taught that they are nothing more than bald-headed weapons of mass destruction in uniforms. Some of them could not handle this and slowly go insane, what is perfectly shown on the example of Private Pyle. This training seriously dements Private Gomer Pyle up until he becomes demented, maniacal, and suicidal. The scene where he is talking to his gun[8] shows just how much some people can be dehumanized by the experience of basic training. Private Pyle takes so much glory in his rifle that it starts to bother everybody in the training camp. When he reaches the certain state, Pyle feels like he has to not only kill his sergeant, but to eliminate himself from this world as well, and commits a suicide, even his fellow recruit Joker cannot change his mind[9]. The second part of the movie takes place already on the war. Each recruit got a Military Occupational Specialty. Joker, which is the main character, now becomes a military journalist. In the first minutes of the second part, Private Rafterman grumbles to Joker, You know what really pisses me off about these people? We are supposed to be helping them and they shit all over us every chance they get. I just can’t feature that. Joker then replies, Dont take it too hard, Rafterman. Its just business.[10] The way he answers demonstrates to the viewer that marines honestly do not understand why Vietnamese people dislike them, even though Americans fight for their freedom and protect them from going communists. Next scene, Joker is on the newspaper staff meeting, and the superior officer looks through the offered articles to verify that all the material would create the desired effect on the readers. Joker and his fellow journalists are ordered to only write articles that show that United Stated are the winners in this war, even if it implies that they have to make up some details[11]. Before Joker realizes that this not faithful reporting isn’t a right decision, he agrees with it because the happy stories would keep the troops in a good mood. Afterwards Joker and Rafterman take a helicopter ride[12]. While flight, the helicopter’s door gunner starts to shoot Vietnamese villagers and soon Joker asks him, How can you shoot women and children?, and the soldier answers, Easy! You just dont lead ‘em so much! Aint war hell?[13] These men on the war are losing their morality; killing women and children became totally normal, the only difference is that you use fewer bullets on them. The marines in this movie have no idea what they are doing in Vietnam, they were told to kill Vietnamese people and that is what they do. Later, when Joker and Private Rafterman meet Cowboys platoon for the first time, Joker and the marine nicknamed Animal Mother have a dispute. In a second Private Eightball comes to Joker and says, Now you may not believe it, but under fire Animal Mother is one of the finest human beings in the world. All he needs is someone to throw hand grenades at him the rest of his life.[14] Sergeant Animal Mother appears to be an ideal soldier: a man who has become desensitized due to warfare. There is a memorable scene where members of the platoon are standing around their recently killed comrades[15]. The camera turns around, focusing on each of them one by one as they give a comment about their opinions on deaths. Some are confused, one marine wishes them to rest in peace, and the next one adds at least they died for a good cause. Someone asks What cause is that? and the soldier replies, Freedom. The important line comes when Animal Mother suddenly says You think we waste gooks for freedom? This is a slaughter. If I’m going to get my balls blown off for a word my word is poon-tang.[16] This shows viewers some kind of idea about the characters and their thoughts, but there is still no particular idea about what they are actually there for. One of the most important proofs that the soldiers do not know what they are fighting for appears when a news team interviews a platoon, and they share their experiences and opinion about the war[17]. The answers are uncertain and reduced to the fact that the soldiers are only here to kill â€Å"Vietnamese gooks†, as they were ordered. The marines speak very insecure with a lot of pauses unable to put the words right; they never thought about the reason to fight. In a few days, the troop goes out on another patrol, in the ruins next to the place where the US army believes enemy’s troops have hidden[18]. The sky on the background is foggy showing some kind of uncertainty in soldiers’ souls. While observing the place, the leader of the squad dies by stepping on a mine and Cowboy takes the leadership. Very soon their squad becomes lost in the ruins and the unseen sniper shoots one of the marines, private Eightball. The platoon argues if they should take risk and try to save him or leave the dying comrade. This scene shows who of them still have something humane and who already became a â€Å"killing machine† as they were taught to be. The viewer can see how these people cannot take the decision. Then one man decides to take the chance and goes there. After the second soldier being shot the third marine goes and sacrifice himself too. That is the cost of being humane on the war. Finally the viewer reaches the last minutes ofFull Metal Jacket, when the platoon finds the sniper and Joker faces death for the first time. As he looks down on the Vietnamese sniper, we understand that Joker has never really been on the battlefield, he has never needed to kill, but when he needed those were only darkened figures in the distance. For the Joker, war and death was something that happens somewhere at the distance to the other people. He never looked the enemy directly in the eye before pulling the trigger. Being shot and surrounded by the enemies the sniper starts to pray, and then she begs them to shoot her. The marines need to take a difficult decision: or they should leave her to die from a blood loss or save her from suffering by killing her. Animal Mother agrees on a mercy killing but only if Joker will do it[19]. Before that Joker asked the helicopter gunner â€Å"How can you shoot women and children?† Suddenly this question comes back to him as Joker stands next to an enemy sniper who is and woman, and a child. After some hesitation, Joker shoots her. His fellow marines sarcastically congratulate Joker with his first corpse while he stares into nothing, having finally gotten his own brutalized gaze. In this scene he looks very similar to the private Pyle in the end of the first part. All the military philosophy is shown in this one battle where a small marine troop is trying to win a Vietcong sniper to gain one tiny piece of land among the ruins by sacrificing their fellows. And this tiny piece of land is not even important for this war. â€Å"Full Metal Jacket†ends with Joker marching with other marines and singing the Mickey Mouse Club theme song and then Joker narrates, â€Å"I am so happy that I am alive, in one piece and short. I’m in a world of shit†¦ yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid.†[20] He is called the Joker, and â€Å"Full Metal Jacket† is the story of his aging, the story of his transformation from an innocent child to the killing machine, real soldier. During this war, he finds nothing but madness and cruelness in everything around him, starting with his drill instructor, Sergeant Hartman, to the Vietnamese enemies and his fellows, so the film does not really take anybody’s side. It does not tell you who the antagonists and who the protagonists are. More than that, this movie has a lot of dualities: the helmet with the peace symbol on one side and â€Å"Born to Kill† written on the other, even Joker himself explained it as a duality of a man[21]. The tragic deaths at the end of each part of the movie. Joker’s own desires to â€Å"get into shit† and to avoid it as much as possible. Him, being a Leonard’s tutor and the one who beats Pyle the hardest in the same time. The music use in different situations. The music choice in the movie also says a lot about the meaningless of the war. For example taking a Mickey Mouse song in the end tells about the innocence of these soldiers many years ago, when there was no war going on. A period of time many years ago when they were all children, contrasted to fighting soldiers which they became now. Kubrick used music in a quite sarcastic, absurd and tragicomic way: The Mickey Mouse march, which is supposed to be entertaining and happy, becomes a dead march spreading above the land of destruction and death. The title of the movie â€Å"Full Metal Jacket† is also given to it for a purpose. The Full Metal jacket bullets are bullets designed not to expand at all, thus they are considered ‘humane’, because they are less likely to kill (although more likely to maim)[22]. That fits the movie in a sense of how the marines had a distorted notion about what is humane and what is not. They believed that they are being humane because they are killing Vietcong people, who are communist and therefore ‘the bad guys’, and no matter if those are innocent or not. They were told that it is the right way for everybody, while in the reality they were just as bad, cruel and ferocious as Vietcong. Section 4: Conclusion The inscription â€Å"Born to Kill† on Jokers helmet versus the Peace symbol perfectly summarizes this film. There were no answers to any questions in the Vietnam War, the brink of honor and justice was lost. The gallant soldier is mocking while shoots a machine gun at innocent women and children, and nobody can even understand what are they fighting and die for, although they know that killing is their responsibility and mission. There, in Vietnam, even a prostitute can turn up to be a Vietcong spy. There the difference, the advantage of women and children is that you use fewer bullets to kill them. There is no place for weak people or pacifists, and even if the soldier has a piece symbol on him, this is easily compensated with an inscription â€Å"Born to Kill† on the helmet, which is explained just by duality of a human nature. Everybody, who understood what a war is, tried to stay humane and alive at the same time, died and instead of the funeral, a funny song with terrible words sounded over their bodies. Full Metal Jacket is a movie of contrast, where each minute contradicts the previous and the main character himself. All his doubts and compassionate in the beginning replaced with coolness and confidence in his decisions at the end. And finally a Hartmans mission is completed. An army of demoralized people, who is only able to kill, will return back home, because it is too difficult to stay human on the war. The end of this transformation in the huge heartless machine is seen when Private Joker kills a sniper and destroy a pacifist in himself, symbolizing the final decay of the soul and the conversion into a monster. In any war, if you kill a person in front of you, you kill a person inside yourself. And Kubrick perfectly showed how meaningless is that war in his movie called Full Metal Jacket. Section 4: Bibliography Sanders, Vivienne, 2007, â€Å"The USA and VIETNAM 1945-1975† Kubrick, Stanley, 1987,â€Å"Full Metal Jacket† Wikipedia: Vietnam War Wikipedia: Full Metal Jacket Wikipedia: Gustav Hasford Wikipedia: The Short-Timers Wikipedia: Full Metal Jacket bullet [1] The information for these paragraphs is taken from: Sanders, Vivienne, 2007, â€Å"The USA and VIETNAM 1945-1975† and Wikipedia’s article about the Vietnam War. [2] Wikipedia: Full Metal Jacket [3] Wikipedia: Gustav Hasford [4] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:02:35-00:02:37 [5] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:03:42-00:03:49 [6] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:05:16-00:05:24 [7] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:06:10-00:06:15 [8] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:32:00-00:34:38 [9] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:44:11-00:45:15 [10] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:48:21-00:48:35 [11] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:49:05-00:52:20 [12] †Full Metal Jacket†: 00:58:40-01:01:05 [13] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:00:30-01:00:40 [14] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:07:30-01:08:44 [15] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:17:49-01:19:46 [16] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:18:33-01:19:03 [17] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:19:55-01:22:56 [18] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:25:35-01:51:05 [19] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:48:00-01:49:27 [20] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:51:05-01:52:53 [21] †Full Metal Jacket†: 01:04:32-01:05:12 [22] Wikipedia: Full Metal Jacket Bullets

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

King Lear :: Essays Papers

King Lear There are really two plots in King Lear, a main plot and a fully developed subplot. Each has its own set of characters. In the main plot, there is the head of the family, the 80-plus-year-old king of Britain, Lear. He has three daughters, Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia. The Duke of Albany is married to the oldest, Goneril, and the Duke of Cornwall is married to Regan, the middle daughter. Cordelia has two suitors, the Duke of Burgundy and the King of France. The court jester, the Fool, is by extension a member of the Lear family and part of the main plot, as is the Earl of Kent, Lear's loyal follower. The Earl of Gloucester, also a member of Lear's court, is the head of another family and the focus of the subplot. He has two offspring, an older, legitimate son named Edgar and a younger, illegitimate or bastard son named Edmund. Various minor characters appear from time to time. They are easily identified by their connections with whatever main character they serve or speak of. As the play opens, Lear has decided to retire and divide his kingdom among his three daughters. Cordelia's husband will be chosen for her immediately after Lear executes this "living will." Before he allots the shares, Lear asks each daughter to make a profession of her love for him in order to receive her entitlement. Goneril and Regan waste no time professing love for their father, but Cordelia is speechless. She loves her father as any daughter should, no more and no less. Lear is outraged by what he sees as her lack of devotion. He cuts Cordelia out of her share and banishes her. Her share is divided between Goneril and Regan. Lear gives them everything but keeps a retinue, a following of 100 knights who will accompany him as he alternates monthly visits between his two daughters. Cordelia's suitors are called in. Without a dowry, Burgundy rejects her; but the King of France sees her true worth and leads Cordelia off to marriage and his protection. At Gloucester's castle, Edmund reveals that he will not let his illegitimate birth and older brother prevent him from inheriting his father's estate. He devises a plan to convince Gloucester that Edgar is secretly planning to kill his father to get his hands on the family property and enjoy it while he's still young. Edmund then tells Edgar that their father is after him for some mistaken notion of a reported crime.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Five Bells: The Performance of Memory Essay -- Five Bells Australia

'Five Bells': The Performance of Memory If we are to be led by the debate recently staged in Critical Inquiry, either Australian multiculturalism is crucially ‘about’ justice, in some sense, or Australian justice is equally crucially ‘about’ multiculturalism. As most of us seem to be aware, multicultural discourse on justice suffers from at least two key paradoxes. First, the desire to respect the absolute alterity of the other, and the simultaneous desire for coexistence, for an equality implying the substitutability of subjects. In Specters of Marx, Derrida describes this aspect of justice as "the infinite promise of democracy," which, he says, is "always untenable ... for the reason that it calls for the infinite respect of the singularity and infinite alterity of the other as much as for the respect of the countable, calculable, subjectal equality between anonymous singularities" (65).1 The second paradox, which may or may not be in fact another version of the first one, is to do with the appa rently necessary equivalence of difference, the substitutability of different differences into various formulae: as Frow and Morris summarize Povinelli’s argument, "the unhappy paradox of difference theories posited as an alternative to the politics of identity [is] that they come to rely on the self-identity of the different" (626). I do not pretend to have any sort of solution to these paradoxes: in fact, to look for a solution, in that sense, is probably the wrong move to make. I want to start by distinguishing between two aspects of justice which tend to get conflated: the synchronic element of justice, which seems to be most commonly implicated in the various discourses on justice, and the diachronic element. It seems to me t... ...rne: Lansdowne P. 1963. Jameson, Fredric. "Marx’s Purloined Letter." New Left Review. No. 209 (Jan/Feb 1995): 75-109. Povinelli, Elizabeth. "The Cunning of Recognition: A Reply to John Frow and Meaghan Morris." Critical Inquiry. 25 (Spring 1999): 631-37. -----. "The State of Shame: Australian Multiculturalism and the Crisis of Indigenous Citizenship." Critical Inquiry. 24 (Winter 1998): 575-610. Roach, Joseph. Cities of the Dead: Circum-Atlantic Performance. New York: Columbia UP. 1996. Slessor, Kenneth. "Five Bells." Collected poems. Ed. Dennis Haskell and Geoffrey Dutton. Pymble, N.S.W.: Angus & Robertson, 1994. Smith, Graeme Kinross. "Kenneth Slessor" Westerly: A Quarterly Review. No. 2 (1978): 51-59. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing Present. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP. 1999.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Henry Thoreaus Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther King Jr. :: Henry Thoreau, Martin Luther King

Henry David Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience took the original idea of transcendentalism and put it into action. His civil acts of defiance were revolutionary as he endorsed a form of protest that did not incorporate violence or fear. Thoreau’s initial actions involving the protest of many governmental issues, including slavery, landed him in jail as he refused to pay taxes or to run away. Ironically, more than one hundred years later, the same issue of equal rights was tearing the United States apart. Yet African Americans, like Martin Luther King Jr., followed in Thoreau’s footsteps by partaking in acts of civil disobedience. Sit-ins and peaceful rallies drew attention to the issue while keeping it from escalating into a much more violent problem. Thoreau’s ideas were becoming prevalent as they were used by Civil Rights Activists and the Supreme Court, in such cases as Brown v. Board of Education. The ideology that was created by Thoreau aided the a ctivists and the government in their quest for equality and a more just system of law. The main goal of the Civil Rights Movement was to instate equality under the law. King was a figurehead for the Civil Rights Movement. King’s ability to organize factions into a force that was unaffected by violence greatly contributed to the success of the Civil Rights Movement. In a letter he wrote from a Birmingham jail, King describes the four steps to non-violent protest. The first step is â€Å"collection of the facts to determine whether an injustice exists.†i This relates to Thoreau’s critique of an unjust government. Thoreau believed that every machine had friction, yet â€Å"when the friction comes to have its machine†¦let us not have such a machine any longer.†ii In the case of civil rights, the government has the friction of racial inequalities. That friction had several machines which enables whites to prevail over African Americans. King’s second step was negation. Thoreau lived during a time when negotiation was non-exi stent. He met the government â€Å"once a year--no more--in the person of its tax-gatherer; this is the only mode in which a man situated as I am necessarily meets it.†iii In the case of Thoreau and King, their struggle could not be resolved by simple negotiation. The third step, as King calls it, was self purification.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Define Communism

Communism has long been heralded in capitalist countries as the root of all evil. However, as with all phobias, this intrinsic fear of communism comes from lack of knowledge rather than sound reasoning. It is the same fear that gave the world the Cold War and McCarthy†s Red Scare. The purpose of this paper is neither to support communism over capitalism nor the opposite, rather it is to inform the reader of communism†s migration through time and hopefully assist the regression of such fear. The ideology of communism came out of the minds of two men, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (Sowell, 11). Since Marx is the most widely known influence, he will be the one most referred to. It was Marx†s belief that private property was the cause of poverty and degradation of the proletariat. Therefore, he came to settle on the idea that no one person should have control over production of goods, ownership of land, and management of funds. In that same token then, no one class should be allowed to have control over these things. He went on to comment that the exploitation of the working class must come to an end. That end would be achieved through revolution. Once this was achieved, everybody would work according to their abilities and then be paid accordingly (Marx 586-617). Soon after, however, technical innovations would create such abundance of goods that â€Å"everyone works according to his abilities and receives according to his needs. † Soon thereafter, money would ! have no place in society. People would be able to take what they want and in turn would be lacking nothing. Marx also believed that the pleasure of seeing the fruits of labor would be enough to cause man to work (Rieber, 56-62). Countries and people were soon to catch on to this ideology. The two most well know places were Russia and China. Of the two, Russia was the first to adopt the communist beliefs. Russia already had a long history of peasant insurrections. Most of these uprisings though, were leaderless and highly unorganized. The motives of the rebels were vague and often confused. By the time the government made some improvements to help the peasants, it was too late. In 1917, due to the breakdown of the administration and military order, the peasants moved to carry out their own revolution. They tore down any form of legal and territorial authority and distributed the land in a rough but equal fashion. During this time, a man by the name of Georgi V. Plekanhov had secretly come into Russia bringing Karl Marx†s books. Once there, these books influenced young students who saw the revolution dependent on the proletariat, not the peasant class. One of the people influenced by Plekanhov was a man going by the name of Nikolai Lenin. His revolutionary ardor was strong and he went on to creat a group called the Bolsheviks and they are the ones who would create the revolution needed to change the system. It began on March 6, 1917 when bread riots erupted in Petrograd, Russia and did not end until the United Soviet Socialist Republic was organized on December 30, 1922. On January 21, 1924, Lenin died and this complicated matters since two people were interested in Lenin†s position. A power struggle ensued between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky (Salisbury, xi). Stalin became the Bolshevik party general secretary in 1922, which was one step closer to being the next Lenin. In 1925, Stalin offered a more attractive solution to the Russian people than Trotsky (Rieber, 73-74). Thus in 1927, Stalin scored the first major victory for himself when the Fifteenth All-Union Congress of the Communist Party denounced all deviations of the Stalinist line. Trotsky and any ally of his were banished to the Russian provinces. Here Stalin†s ruthless nature began to show. He completely expelled Trotsky from the Soviet Union and finally his fear of Trotsky-esque forced him to assassinate Le! on Trotsky in 1940 (Kaiser, 246). However, even after Trotsky was assassinated Stalin†s fears were never quite dissipated. Stalin went on to establish a dictatorship, crushing any opposing voices within his party and his country. He would not stop there though, still being enough of a Marxist, he wanted to see the ultimate goal become a reality. He wanted to see a world wide socialist revolution. He and many other Soviet leaders held the furtherance of world revolution above the preservation of the dictatorship. It remained an important goal through the leadership of Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko. However, this came to the head during the leadership of Gorbachev. Gorbachev had a country that was falling apart dumped into his lap. Dissension was widespread and in an effort to bring the country back to it†s former glory, Gorbachev implemented a program known as Perestroika, or reconstructuring. Its aim was to make good on the promises of socialism or else it would sink to the status of a third world country. One part of Perestroika that was particularly odd was called Glasnost. The purpose of Glasnost was to hear constructive criticism in order to possibly try to implement the ideas in an effort to help the country out of their difficulties. This was much different from Stalin†s views. When western criticism said that Perestroika was slowing down, Glasnost went ahead at full speed, revealing not only the crimes of the Stalin era, but also the horrifying dimensions of the contemporary crisis. In foreign affairs, not only was there great progress on arms control, but also Soviet troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan. Most spectacular of all, in 1989, Gorbachev allowed Soviet control over Eastern Europe to evaporate, as communism was overthrown and independent governments were established in one satellite country after another. In 1991, Gorbachev changed course as he came to realize that his only chance to preserve the union was to work with the leaders of the republics rather than against them. For many loyal members of the party and the security forces, as well as managers of industry and collective farms, the country as they had known it was on the brink of falling apart. The last stand of the old guard was an attempted coup in August 1991. It was easy for the plotters to take over the central government, but they found it impossible to topple Boris Yeltsin and the Russian Federation government. The coup collapsed within days, and the Communist party was outlawed. The fate of the August showed how little vitality was left in the Soviet Union†s central government, and it was not long before appropriate conclusions were drawn. In another quieter coup in December, the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus declared that a Commonwealth of Independent States would replace the Union of Soviet So! cialist Republics. The declaration only ratified the reality of republican independence. Gorbachev bowed to the inevitable and resigned at the end of the year. The seventy-four year history of the Soviet Union had come to an end (Grolier). After Russia, China was the next major country to adapt to the communist system of beliefs. It was on October 1, 1949 that Mao Tsetung pronounced the establishment of the new Chinese Communist state: the People†s Republic of China. It was for this reason that Mao and over ten thousand people set off on what was to be called the Long March. They began in the Jiangxi province where their ranks rapidly grew and became known as the Fourth Red Army. It was comprised of peasants and soldiers who were in favor of a communist regime or were in opposition to Chiang Kai-shek†s nationalist views. Mao†s army never numbered more than 85,000 peasants, while Chiang†s forces, the Kuomintang, numbered at least 200,000 well-equipped troops (Frankenstein 58-64). The odds were definitely against Mao. It was for this reason that he favored guerrilla warfare. Mao described these tactics in his Little Red Book: When the enemy advanced, we retreat. Our weapons are supplied to us by the enemy. In 1934, Chiang encircled the Jiangxi province in which Mao was camped and thus it was decided within his camp that they must break through Chiang†s blockade lines. The 85,000 plus another 15,000 peasants poured through the breach that had been made. Within forty-eight hours, most of the people had broken through the lines. No one really knew what ahead, however, over six thousand miles, icy rivers, swampy marshes, and Kuomintang forces would leave only a handful alive at the end (Frankenstein 116-124). The Long March had begun. It would finally end in 1949, the same time the People†s Republic of China was formed. Mao had come out on top through extraordinary means. However, the civil war was not quite over. While living in Taiwan, Chiang was still getting backing from the United States of America and again took the title of President in 1950. Mao recognized, however, that he would need to set up a government immediately in order to support the close to one billion people living in China. He then turned to the Soviet Union for financial assistance. Mao went on to create the Great Cultural Revolution: an effort to get China up to the status of a major world power. This was a major motivating force for Mao until his death in 1976 (Frankenstein, 161-165). China and the communist party were without an outstanding leader for several years following Mao Tsetung†s death. Finally, Deng Xiaoping eventually emerged as the paramount leader they were looking for in 1978. He promptly launched his economic reform plan. Under his leadership, China tried moving their economy from a sluggish Soviet-style centrally planned economy to a more produ! ctive and flexible economy with market elements, all within the framework of Communist control. The result has been a strong surge in production with industry posting some major gains. Deng†s reforms have improved the livelihoods of many Chinese living in urban areas. There is no doubt that Deng had lead China through greatest period of modernization and foreign contact. One of the saddest days in Chinese history was the death of Deng Xiaoping on February 19, 1997. While he had not been active for some time and had not appeared in public for three years prior to his death, the death of senior leaders had always had an unsettling impact on Chinese politics (CNN). On the other hand, Deng had retired in 1989 and he had placed Jiang Zemin in the powerful post of chairman of the Central Military Commission. In 1993, Jiang was named president of China. Jiang†s policy, like that of his mentor, was to instill market reforms while still keeping the country politically and socially conservative (CNN). This was going to be difficult though with Hong Kong having been returned to China on June 1, 1997. President Jiang Zemin himself will preside as the motherland reclaims a piece of itself, instantly replacing the councils and crown symbols of Britain rule with the new authority of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. If only it were that simple. The people of Hong Kong embrace neither of these extremes. They share pride in the reunification of China, but they harbor some misgivings about their new landlords, however, they are ready to give the new system a chance. Unfortunately the west is casting a skeptical eye. If Beijing is ready to be welcomed into the community of nations with the stature its size and wealth ought to command, China will have to convince the west that it is ready and able to live by the international community†s rules (McGeary, 186-192). With the Soviet Union no longer in existence, the international community is turning their attention on to the last major communist nation that has influence. China will have to tread lightly, especially now with the return of a valuable port that was the refuge for millions of democratic citizens. China has promised a â€Å"one country, two systems† policy, but that is only drawing more criticism. Communism can no longer grow, it can only mature. However, this maturing process is turning it into more of a capitalist country.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Business Proposal Final for Thomas Money Service Essay

The current financial status of Thomas Money Service Inc. needs attention to help improve its existing goods and services to overcome the challenges faced by the economy downturn. This proposal will address those issues effecting the profitability of Thomas Money Service Inc. and strategize affective ways to overcome those obstacles to return to profitability. â€Å"Thomas Money Service Inc. (TMS) has been in business since 1940† (University of Phoenix, 2012). The company started out granting small loans for consumer needs and evolved into offering business loans, business acquisition financing, and commercial real estate loans, (University of Phoenix, 2012). TMS expanded into equipment financing in 1946 under the subsidiary of Future Growth Inc. (FGI), (University of Phoenix, 2012). The venture in turn became very lucrative for TMS because of a huge demand in construction and forestry equipment after World War II (University of Phoenix, 2012). In 1951, FGI purchased an equipm ent manufacturing company building, selling, and financing their own building and forestry equipment and discontinued financing other equipment (University of Phoenix, 2012). For over 67 years it has been profitable and has stated in previous economic downturns that the company never had to lay off any of its workers, (University of Phoenix, 2012). However, in the current recession and after several natural disasters affecting forestry states, FGI profits declined last year by 30%. Home sales also declined, constructions slowed and caused FGI to repossess equipment and sell it at a discounted price. With the changing economic environment and profit loss Thomas Money Services Inc. has requested recommendations to help increase its revenue, determine its profit maximizing quantity, increase product differentiation, increase barriers to entry, and minimize cost of production. Market Structure and Elasticity of Demand Thomas Money Services Inc. operates in a monopolistic competition by offering products and services that can be differentiated and is very competitive with other sellers offering similar products for consumption. By creating an environment in which consumers looking to purchase equipment could receive financing and goods in a one stop shop has positioned TMS as leader in the market share in the construction industry prior to the recession. Because there are similar products available for consumers to obtain instead of FGI’s equipment, it has to differentiate its product and services as the best to have by nonpricing competition. The price elasticity of demand for Thomas Money Services Inc. from its original price of $1990.1 to its new price of $1732.0 shows the responsiveness of consumer to the quantity demanded of goods and services at its new demand of 182 million units from it its original demand of 123 million units shows that the PEoD is 3.70 resulting in TMS being very elastic. Although Thomas Money Services Inc. has not been a price taker but a price maker distinguishing it has a one stop shop for consumer’s construction equipment. The market has changed resulting in consumer finding alternatives to TMS goods and services decreasing revenue over the last year. â€Å"There are many domestic and international companies manufacturing construction and forestry equipment† (University of Phoenix, 2012). Because TMS offers elastic goods and services it has to continue to monitor the market to understand the demand. Recommendation Increase Revenue Increasing revenue is the objective for Thomas Money Services Inc. regardless of how the economy is doing. Because the market has declined in home sales, individual construction, and forestry equipment TMS should focus its marketing on hospital and nursing homes. According to University of Phoenix, not all sectors have been affected by the economic downturn hospital and nursing homes still have a high demand for new building (2012). These sectors are potential areas to increase revenue for TMS. Another area is in the price of equipment. To continue success in the marketplace the elasticity of demand plays a vital role. Currently, FGI has repossessed equipment and selling each unit at $1,732. From the demand chart below it will acquire revenue in the amount of $315,224 for the sale of 182 units. If FGI were to decrease the price to $1,634.3 per unit from the demand chart  below the demand will increase to 350 units sold, resulting in $572,005 in revenue. This will increase revenue b y $256,781 resulting in more profit to invest back into the company. Over the past years the data for demand is in millions. Table 1 Price Demand 1,990.1 123 1,732.0 182 1,634.3 350 1,252.0 380 732.1 400 622.3 456 Profit-Maximizing Quantity The monopolistic competitor maximizes profit by producing the output at which marginal revenue equals marginal cost (McConnell, Brue, & Flynn, 2009). Marginal cost is the additional cost it would take to produce another unit of good or service. Marginal revenue is the additional revenue acquired from selling the additional unit. To reach profit-maximizing quantity Thomas Money Services will need to continue to increase output until its marginal revenue equals its marginal cost. Because TMS has been in business for more than 60 plus years it is currently operating in a long run curve where it earns a normal profit. Barriers to Entry Unfortunately, because Thomas Money Service Inc. operates in monopolistic competition there is relatively easy entry and exit into the market. When demand is high for construction and forestry equipment there will be surge of newer firms to enter the market because capital requirements are low. However, during this economic downturn many newer firms will exit because they will be unable to differentiate themselves from the longstanding branding and reputation that Thomas Money Services Inc. has had in the market. By making it more difficult to imitate TMS goods and service will result in an increase barrier to entry for newer competitors. Product  Differentiation In recent years, Thomas Money Service Inc. has decreased it advertisement revenue to having a commercial in the Super Bowl and a few other sporting events (University of Phoenix, 2012). In order to increase its product differentiation it will need to increase advertisement revenue to inform consumers of product differences, thus increase product branding and consumer loyalty. Since TMS operates in a monopolistic competition it has to advertise heavily to inform consumers of the benefits of its goods and services, especially in nursing home and construction magazines. When consumers prefer a specific product then within limits they will pay more to satisfy their preferences, thus making the product more inelastic to changes in the price in the long run (McConnell et al., 2009). Minimize Cost of Production While fixed costs have stay constant for various outputs of production for Thomas Money Services Inc. there are still ways to minimize cost. Installing proper equipment for processing and manufacturing the equipment and staying aware of the latest technology will help in cutting cost. By TMS shopping around for the best bargain in raw material and continually monitor variable cost to not exceed output of production. Combine project to offset prices for material for future projects Conclusion In conclusion, Thomas Money Service Inc. is a sound company that needs to adjust its strategy during this global recession to improve profits. This business proposal has addressed some of those issues to help increase its revenue, maximize profits, minimize cost, and differentiate it from its competitors. These recommendations are only few ways to overcome the challenges faced by TMS. Thomas Money Services Inc. will need to continue to monitor the market and their effectiveness to adjust to the ever changing-market. References McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2009). Economics: Principles, problems, and policies (18th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin. University of Phoenix. (2012). Thomas Money Service Inc. Scenario [Multimedia]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, ECO/561 website.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Energy-Auto Inc. Essay

Read the Hypothetical Case Problem #1 at the end of Chapter 1 and respond to these questions: 1. If Javier sued Energy-Auto Inc., identify who would be the plaintiff and the defendant. 2. In which state or states can the suit be brought? 3. Assume that Javier incurred $100,000 in damages. a) Analyze whether the suit can be brought in federal court b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of federal versus state court for this type of suit. Case 1. Javier is traveling from his home in New York to Dallas, Texas. While driving through Oklahoma, his brakes fail and he is injured in the ensuing crash. Javier wants to sue the maker of his car, Energy-Auto Inc. Energy’s headquarters is in New York. It does not have any dealerships in Oklahoma or do any advertising in Oklahoma. In this case Javier was driving his car from New York to Dallas, Texas when his brakes failed in Oklahoma where he injured himself. Javier would be the plaintiff because he is the one suing, and Energy- Auto Company would be the defendant in this matter because this company is the one being sued. The suit would then have to be brought in the state of New York considering that this company does not have dealerships in Oklahoma nor does it do any advertising. This would give personal jurisdiction to New York and not Oklahoma. Had this Auto Company adver tised or had any dealerships in Oklahoma then this case could be brought to the courts of Oklahoma for jurisdiction. New York courts can refuse to hear this case and with Javier being a resident of Dallas could possibly have his case heard there considering the fact that Javier has incurred $100,000 in damages he could possibly be immobile from an accident like that. This case can also be brought to federal court for the simple fact that both the plaintiff and defendant are both out of state parties, and would be heard at federal court under diversity jurisdiction. The advantage of federal versus state court would be a judge wouldn’t lose its job for making the wrong ruling in this case which is why its sent to federal court and rulings are heard from a judge that has been appointed forever or until he/she is impeached or reaches retirement. This allows in my opinion, room for fair equal treatment. Disadvantage would be state vs. federal court is the state wouldn’t hav e subject matter jurisdiction in this  case and wouldn’t know how to handle it.

Cosmopolitans and Locals

Cosmopolitans and locals â€Å"If there were only locals in the world, world culture would be no more than the sum of its separate parts†. Hannerz 1990:249 Ulf Hannerz (1990) argues that the world culture is created through the increasing interconnectedness of varied local cultures where people connect in different ways. He uses Robert Merton's cosmopolitan-local distinctions in a global context, to describe how people identify themselves with the global or not. The term `cosmopolitan' is often used rather loosely to describe just about anybody who moves around in the world. But of such people, Hannerz argue some would seem more cosmopolitans than others and others again hardly cosmopolitans at all. He describes a genuine cosmopolitanism as first of all an orientation – a willingness to engage with the other. The willingness to become involved with the other, and the concern with achieving competence in cultures, which are initially alien, is central. Being on the move is not enough to turn into a cosmopolitan. Due to this Hannerz ask a crucial question: Are tourists, exiles, business people and labour migrants cosmopolitans? And if not: Why? A contemporary writer, Paul Theroux (1986), comments that many people travel for the purpose of `home plus'. They seem cosmopolitans but are really locals at heart. Spain is home plus sunshine, India is home plus servants etc. For business people travel is ideally home plus more and better business. The `plus' has often nothing to do with alien systems of meaning, and a lot to do with facts of nature, such as nice beaches or sunshine. The exiles are often no real cosmopolitan either, because their involvement with an alien culture is something that has been forced on them. At best, life in another country is home plus safety or home plus freedom. For labour migrants going away may be home plus higher income and their involvement with another culture is a necessary cost to be kept as low as possible (Hannerz 1990). Transnational cultures today tend to be occupational cultures (and are often tied to transnational job markets). Konrad (1984) emphasises the transnational culture of intellectuals for instance. â€Å"The global flow of information proceeds on many different technical and institutional levels, but on all levels the intellectuals are the ones who know most about one another across the frontiers, who keep in touch with one another, and who feel that they are one another's allies†¦ † Konrad 1984: 208 Hannerz add that there are transnational occupational cultures also of bureaucrats, politicians, business people, journalists and diplomats, and various others. These people shift their bases for longer periods within their lives and wherever they go they'll find others who will interact with them in the terms of specialised but collectively held understandings. Hannerz argue that because of the transnational cultures, a large number of people are nowadays systematically and directly involved with more than one culture. The transnational and territorial cultures of the world are entangled with one another in manifold ways. Some transnational cultures are more insulated from local practises than others and the transnational cultures are also as wholes usually more marked by some territorial culture than by others. However, most of them are in different ways extensions or transformations of the culture of Western Europe and North America.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Catalogue Of Christian Herasie Essay Research Paper

Catalog Of Christian Herasie Essay, Research Paper St Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, called the Council of Nicea to cover with some of the unorthodoxies of the clip, such as Arianism and Novatianism. This council lasted 2 months and 12 yearss, and had 318 bishops in attending. The benefits from this council were of import to reaffirming the religion. It stated that all people could be forgiven of their wickednesss, no affair how bad the wickedness is, every bit long as the individual was genuinely regretful for what he has done. The Nicene Creed is besides a merchandise of this council. The Nicene Creed is a announcement of our beliefs as Catholics. Council of Ephesus ( 431 ) The Council of Ephesus was called to cover with the unorthodoxies of Nestorianism and Pelagianism. There were over 200 bishops present, under the counsel of St. Cyril, who was stand foring Pope Celestine. The major parts to faith brought Forth from this council was that Mary is genuinely the female parent of God ( Theotokes ) , and that Jesus was both God and adult male in one being. Council of Chalcedon ( 451 ) The Council of Chalcedon was called by Pope Leo the Great to manage the unorthodoxy of Menophytism. The Emperor Marcian was in attending, along with over 150 Bishops. This council denounced Menophytism, and stated that Christ had two natures, Godhead and homo, which were both in one being. Fourth Lateran Council ( 1215 ) . Pope Innocent III held the Fourth Lateran Council as a call for religious reform. Over 1,200 of the universe s taking clerics were in attending at this council. This council did many things to confirm the religion. It brought about a reform in clerical life, spiritual direction in slang, condemned many of the unorthodoxies traveling on at the clip, seal of confession ( priests can non let go of what you confess during rapprochement ) , one-year confessions and Eucharist at Easter clip, and reaffirmed the seven sacraments and transubstantiation. Council of Constance ( 1414-1418 ) The Council of Constance was called during the Western Schism to make two things. The first was to stop the separation of the church, and the second was to declare who would be the Catholic Pope out of the 3 Catholic Popes who were claiming pontificate. This council did two of import things. It ended the Schism that had 3 cabals of the church controversy over whose positions were right, and whose Catholic Pope was the rightful Catholic Pope. Second, it named Pope Gregory XII as the rightful Catholic Pope, but he steps down and hands the place over to Pope Martin V. Fifth Lateran Council ( 1512-1517 ) The Fifth Lateran Council was called by Pope Julias II to set and stop to the corrupt patterns in the church. There were around 95 high members of the church nowadays at this council. This council put an terminal to many of the corrupt patterns of this clip period within the Catholic Church. Council of Treant ( 1545-1563 ) The Council of Treant was called by Pope Paul III to conflict the Protestant beliefs and clearly lay out the Catholic beliefs. There were over 450 people present at this council over the 18 old ages it was held. Besides, 5 Catholic Popes presided over it during the clip it was held. This council affirmed 12 philosophies on the church, apostolic domination, godly disclosure consists of Bible and tradition, Faith and good plants are necessary for redemption, reaffirmed transubstantiation, the mass is a true forfeit, Penance is the manner in which wickednesss are forgiven, reaffirmed the seven sacraments, Purgatory exists, psyches in purgatory benefit from our supplications, indulgences have a true religious value, condemned superstitious utilizations of relics and indulgences. First Vatican Council ( 1869-1870 ) The First Vatican council was called by Pope Pius IX to reaffirm apostolic authorization and to clear up church learning to onslaughts from enlightenment minds. There were 803 in attending, including 46 from the United States. The major part to faith from this council is the philosophy of Papal Infallibility, which means the Pope can non do mistake when learning church philosophy or on the religion. Second Vatican Council ( 1962-1965 ) The Second Vatican Council was called by Pope John XXIII to regenerate the church spiritually, and to reconsider the church s topographic point in the modern universe. This council made many alterations to the Holy Eucharist, such as doing it common so the common individual could understand God s message. It besides allowed for more engagement in mass by the common individual.